Claire: The Forced Virgin Of The Billionaire

Chapter 15

Claire’s POV

All I could do is pretend to be, well……..F**k if I know!

After being rudely woken up by him, he ordered me to get dressed and then again left without another word.

And now here he was, sitting right in front of me but not even paying the slightest attention. To any other person in this restaurant, we were just a normal couple. He, the insanely rich guy who could afford to dine in unbelievably expensive restaurants.

I almost fainted when I saw the menu. Hell! A glass of water with a stick of cucumber in it cost about 300 dollars. I could only imagine how much the main meal would cost.

My point is…..that to anyone else, I would appear to be a naive, inexperienced girl in love with the man who could give her all that she wanted. Little did they know how far they were from truth.

“Who are we even waiting for? Let’s just order already.” I know I sounded like a petulant child but I was hungry and my grumbling stomach was evidence enough of that. And this skin-tight cocktail dress was not making things easier. It was even hard for me to breathe.

“I expect you to be on your best behavior and maybe just act a little mature.” He taunted me, not even looking up at me as he tapped away on his goddamn tab.

I knew that he was baiting me in but I refused to take his s**t. ‘Just a couple more days of this and then you’ll be free to do whatever you want.’ The thought calmed to no ends. I was doing this to create a better future for myself and that meant more to me than anything else.

To be honest, I was actually thankful that Azriel ordered me to wear this dress, however uncomfortable it was. The people sitting around in this restaurant were wearing more uncomfortable-looking dresses than mine felt. And I was already feeling insecure too, being around people with net worths in millions could do that to you when you yourself were worth nothing.

A lady sitting at another table was dressed in a nonsensical sparkly dress that had more jewelry studded in its lining than Queen Elizabeth’s crown. She kept throwing me dirty looks.

“Sorry, we’re late.” A very loud and hustling couple made their way to our table as I noticed Azriel giving them an acknowledging smile.

Oh! So that’s who we were waiting for!

If I was being honest, I didn’t think Azriel would have associations with such, I don’t know…..pretentious people.

The blonde guy who was probably in his late 30’s gives me quite a queer frown like he was sizing me up but then the corners of his mouth upturned into a very welcoming smile as he took a seat beside me. The woman dressed in the untasteful, revealing dress took a seat beside Azriel and he seemed more than happy about the arrangement.

What the hell? I didn’t even care.

One thing I so didn’t get was if he didn’t want me anyway, why the f**k did he even bring me here to Paris when all he wanted to do was shag a woman twice his age…..well, not twice his age but still, she was at least a few years older than him.

“So, Azriel, who is this young lady?” The man sitting beside me interjected who I came to know was Dennis when Azriel reluctantly introduced him to me but was rude enough to not tell him my name.

“This is my girlfriend, Claire.” Azriel blankly said, not stuttering even a bit. He was one good liar I must admit.

“How lovely to meet you !” Dennis remarked, grinning at me. He took a hold of my hand from my lap and placed a k**s on my knuckles before letting go.

“What a gentleman !” I gave him my most flirtatious smile as I c****d my head at him.

“What is this, the ‘80’s?” I heard Azriel grumble under his breath as Gabriella’s nose scrunched up in disgust. Boy was she jealous! I had to say, I was enjoying this quite a bit.noveldrama

“You guys haven’t ordered yet?” Dennis asked, looking to me, ignoring his wife and friend, much to my amusement.

Gabriella gave me a disturbingly hideous smile…….I smiled at her like a Cheshire cat, grinning evilly on the inside for it was clearly written on her face that she hated me.

Huh! It was like hate at first sight!

“No, of course not. We were waiting for you, isn’t that right Azriel?” Being annoyingly sweet, I threw Azriel a mocking grin. He glared at me like anything. But undeterred, I continued to tease him for it was too much fun watching him try to keep his cool.

“Well, we should definitely order now ‘cause I’m starving,” Dennis said, picking up the menu as did Gabriella. Gabriella……it sounds like the name of a dying frog… catholic grandmother would very much disapprove of my thoughts right now. I giggled to myself as I pictured the plump, blonde woman as a little frog princess with a little pink crown on her head. I would pay to see that!

Azriel stared down at the thin black menu like he was trying to burn holes through it with his glare alone. What the hell was his problem? Why was he so mad?

Science was so damn wrong, men were much more complicated than women.

The items listed on the menu soon took my attention away from him, mostly because I hadn’t even ever heard of the meals listed on the menu. I peered down hard at it, hoping that I would magically come to understand what these damn French meals accosted.

“You know what you’re gonna order?” Dennis asked me, a slight smile playing on his lips. He seemed to have already given his order to the waiter but Azriel and Gabriella were still deciding.

I decided that it was better to come clean to him than pretend to be a rich gal who knew all about over-expensive food and fancy restaurants.

“I honestly have no idea what any of this is.” I helplessly told him, pointing to the menu.

He laughed but not in that mocking, condescending sort of way like I’d expected him to. It was a nice, friendly laugh which helped me get a little bit more comfortable with him.

“Since it’s your first time,” He started, making me look around a bit sheepishly. But I could tell he was trying not to embarrass me furthermore.

“Let’s just start small, okay?” Dennis gently said. “Like what ?” I asked, achingly aware that Azriel had now given his order and his dark eyes were following my every move. He wasn’t even trying to hide the fact that he was eavesdropping.

“How about a Croque Monsieur?” Dennis suddenly suggested, pointing to some meal at the end of the menu.

“What is that ?” I asked, my face turning sour when the thought of that meal actually being made of pork or roasted beef entered my mind. Ugh!

“I can assure you won’t get a dead cat on your plate, there might be some cat hair in it but definitely not a whole dead cat.” Dennis joked, earning a nervous chuckle from me.

“You have a weird sense of humor,” I commented, lightly putting my hand on his shoulder and he definitely didn’t mind. But someone did……someone minded very much!

“Just tell me what the meal is already,” I petulantly said, puckering my lips into a deliberate pout. His eyes directly fell to my lips and for a second, they were heavily clouded with l**t. Men were just too easy for me to manipulate, I thought, grinning a sardonic grin.

In his defense, he really tried not to show how affected he was. Taking a sharp intake of breath, he answered,” It’s just a hot sandwich made with ham and cheese. My mom used to make it for me all the time. It tastes really good.” He completed, giving me a very formal smile. You see, the thing was, his tight pants were a dead giveaway of what was really going through his mind. But unlike most guys, he was handling his affectations quite subtly.

“Sounds delicious.” I chirped, earning myself another glare from Mr. Clarke.

Azriel’s POV

“Dennis and your ‘girlfriend’ seem to be getting along fine,” Gabriella muttered under her breath for the hundredth time. She was irritating me to no ends. She might’ve been a good f**k but she certainly wasn’t the most interesting person in the world to have a conversation with.

And to add on to that, Claire seemed to be having the time of her life with that scoundrel and pervert, Dennis. He had literally no morals, f*****g pervert. She was 20 years younger than him for Christ’s sake.

He was looking at her so f*****g lustfully like he would take her on this table right now if he could! That son of a b***h!

And to make things, even more, worse, Claire was returning his passes and letting him practically undress her with his eyes. She was going to f*****g pay for this! How in the hell could she even dare to let another man eye-f**k her right in front of me!

I am so f*****g done being nice to her!

“…..and so you know how Janine was always jealous of my brooch that she told Dennis that it was hers and that I’d…..” Gabriella jabbered on and on, oblivious to the fact that I was barely paying attention to what she kept chirping her head off about.

“Would you just shut up for Christ’s sake ?” I muttered under my breath, keeping my eyes on Claire and my ‘dear’ friend who were getting even cozier with each other as the minutes ticked by.

A bewildered Gabriella indignantly replied to me in a sickly, sweet voice,” Azriel, what happened to you?” I just rolled my eyes, not having it in me to argue with this dumb b***h. She placed her hand on my pants, right next to my d**k, she leaned in to whisper in my ear, ”We used to have so much fun together.” She batted her eyelashes at me in a way that she thought was adorable but in reality, she just came off as needy.

With a disgusted expression, I removed her hand from my person. That woman could give you STDs with just the touch of her hand.

“Whatever that was between us is over,” I coldly told Gabriella, her face turning red from embarrassment but I couldn’t care less about how she felt. I couldn’t for the world of me comprehend that I’d actually found her to be attractive once. All she did was repulse me now.

“You were a good f**k, that’s all. And your husband knows that very well,” I told her, pointing to Dennis. “That’s why your husband right there doesn’t care which guy spends the night with you.” She looked like she could burst into tears anytime now but I knew her well enough to be sure that she could keep her feelings at bay and not make a scene here. Her reputation was the only thing she cared about.

Turning away from me, teary-eyed, she silently dug into her food. Thank the lord!

I automatically turned to look at Claire. And the scene that was taking place in front of me made my damn b***d boil! I gripped the glass in my hand so hard, I was sure it would break into pieces anytime now. Dennis had leaned even closer into Claire and the two were at a very close proximity with each other. Hell! Why doesn’t she just climb up on his lap right f*****g here?

Claire laughed at something my soon-to-be-fired partner said. She looked happy…..with him. The thought irked me to no ends.

‘Claire, you’ve just committed a very big mistake by flaunting yourself to another man’ I angrily thought to myself, trying to keep my demons at bay.

The shards of the broken glass bit into my hand as the pieces fell onto the floor. But I couldn’t feel them cut through my skin, couldn’t even feel the b***d dripping down my hand.

No one had ever angered me so much in my entire life!

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