Dark Obsession: An Age Gap, Bratva Romance (Chicago Bratva Series)

Dark Obsession: Chapter 19

We move down the hallway; the place is a wreck.

Debris is everywhere, but thankfully, it looks like most of the damage is concentrated near the main entrance. The further we go, the less destruction we see. No bodies, just overturned chairs and broken glass. It’s a small comfort, knowing that most of the patients are likely safe.

I clutch the gun tightly in my hands, my fingers digging into the grip. A thought crosses my mind; tonight could be the night I take a life for the first time. The idea twists my stomach, making me feel like I might be sick. But I also know I’ll do it if I have to.

We turn a corner, and spot a cartel member, checking his gun. I can’t help but gasp, freezing for a second. His eyes widen, he’s just as surprised to see us. He fumbles, raising his weapon, but he’s too slow.

Grigori fires before the man can even get his gun up. The man drops, his body hitting the floor with a sickening thud. I blink, shocked at how fast it happened.

We keep moving down the hallway, taking corners carefully, each step measured and precise. I can’t help but watch the way Grigori moves like a predator—fluid, controlled, and deadly. There’s no hesitation when he kills, no second-guessing. That’s exactly what he’s always taught me.

This is Grigori in his element, his version of how I am when I hack into a secure database—total concentration on the task at hand.

We turn another corner to see another cartel member standing there. Instinct kicks in, and I raise my gun, but the shot goes wide. My heart skips a beat as I watch the bullet miss, the man’s eyes narrowing in surprise.

For a split second I think it’s over. But then, Grigori’s there, calm and steady as he pulls the trigger. One clean shot, and the guy drops instantly.

Grigori glances at me, his voice low and firm. “That, my dear, is why you never hesitate.”

I let out a breath, a tight, nervous smile tugging at my lips. “Lesson learned,” I say with a dry laugh, trying to hide the way my hands are trembling.

We move through the halls, the sharp crack of gunfire echoing in the distance. Then I hear Lev’s voice shouting something, followed by more shots. Grigori and I exchange a look as we hurry toward the sound, adrenaline coursing through me.

We come to a large lobby and find Lev, Yuri, and Alexei pinned down behind some overturned furniture. A couple of cartel members have them locked in place, firing relentlessly.

Grigori motions for me to hang back. “Stay here,” he says. “I’m going to flank them.”

I want to argue, to say I can help, but I know this isn’t my specialty. I simply nod, gripping the gun tightly as I watch him move. He’s a shadow, careful and silent, timing his steps with the bursts of gunfire so they don’t hear him coming.

I watch as he slips to the side of where the cartel members are standing. They don’t see him and when they raise their guns to fire again, Grigori doesn’t hesitate—two clean shots, and they’re down. Just like that, it’s over.

He gives the all-clear, and Lev, Yuri, and Alexei rise from their cover. Relief washes over me, and I rush to them, so damn happy to see they’re all okay. Yuri pulls me into a hug, and even Lev cracks a smile.

“Where’s Luk?” I ask, scanning the room.

“Their biggest squad came after us, led by that snake Claudio Sanchez. But Luk broke off on his own, distracting them, leading them away from us.”

“You split up?” I ask, my heart tightening. Luk can handle himself, but this isn’t a game.

“They were chasing him hard,” Alexei adds. “We were on our way to back him up, but we got pinned down by those assholes.”

“Well, you’re pinned no longer,” Grigori says. “Let’s move.”

“You’re not putting yourself in danger,” Lev states firmly, his eyes locking onto mine. “You need to get out of here, get back to the mansion.”

I want to protest, but I know deep down that he’s right. Out of all of them, I’m the weakest when it comes to weapons and combat. I would be a distraction.

Grigori steps in, his tone all business. “I’ll escort her to the car and make sure she gets home safe and sound.”

I sigh, defeated. “Fine. Let’s go.”

We start heading down the hallway, Grigori keeping a sharp eye out for danger. But as we pass by a security computer terminal, something catches my eye. I stop in my tracks, an idea forming in my head.

“Hold on a second,” I say, stepping toward the computer. “I want to check something.”

Grigori frowns but doesn’t protest. He knows better than to question me when I’m in tech mode. Whatever’s going on out there, maybe I can help from here.

I hop onto the computer, fingers flying over the keys as I hack into the system. Grigori stands guard behind me, his eyes scanning the hallway. Within seconds, I’ve pulled up the controls for the hallway doors and the camera feed.

“There,” I say, pointing at the screen. The feed shows Claudio Sanchez and a bulk of his men—too many for Grigori to take on without us getting slaughtered. They’re pinning Luk down in a room, guns aimed and ready to make a move.noveldrama

I flick the feed to Luk’s room, showing Grigori. “He’s locked in,” I explain, eyes glued to the screen. “Two doors, both in lockdown mode.”

Grigori’s jaw clenches, and I can tell he’s already calculating how to get to Luk out without causing a bloodbath. But I’m already ahead of him.

I pull up the door controls and work a little of my magic. “There,” I say again, grinning as the back door unlocks. ‘I just gave him an escape route.’

Grigori’s impressed. He doesn’t say it, but I can see it in his eyes. Without a word, he grabs his phone and contacts Lev. “Luk’s got an out—back door is open. Move now.”

On the feed, I see Luk notice the door unlocking. He heads toward it, pushing it open and slipping out of the room.

I keep working, using the camera feeds to direct the team. “There’s another exit,” I tell Grigori. “A hallway far from Claudio and his men. I’m sending them there.”

“Nice work, princess.”

He relays the info to the others. In this moment, we’re the perfect team—me with my tech, Grigori with his gun.

We watch on the feed as Luk reconnects with the group, and a wave of relief rushes over me. ‘Got him,’ I say, the tension in my chest easing. They follow my directions, making their way to the eastern entrance, just like I told them.

I keep an eye on Claudio and his goons, working the controls to lock and unlock doors, forcing them away from my brothers. Grigori stands beside me, his eyes glued to the screen.

‘I’d prefer to kill them all right here and now.”

I smirk. ‘Always thinking with your gun, aren’t you?’

I watch the feed, tracking the guys as they slip through the exit.

“And they’re clear,” I say, pushing back from the computer. That’s our cue.

Grigori grabs my hand, and we make our way through the halls, quickly and carefully. We rush into the parking lot and head straight to his car.

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