Healing The Ruthless Alpha

Healing The 67

Healing The 67

Healing The Ruthless Alpha

Sihana’s POV

+5 Pearts

“Sihana.” Cahir glared at me. It was best for me to do as he said, to go home and continue to live quietly, but as they dragged Sebastian away while I watched, I didn’t think I could ever be comfortable sitting at home and looking, not knowing what had or would happen to him..

“Cahir – 1 – 1 –” I wasn’t a brave person. Courage and I didn’t fit in the same sentence but then, I didn’t want to back down. I forced myself to hold my ground as I watch my mate’s countenance worsen but I shook my head still.

“Sihana Asena,” he growled. I feared he would use his Alpha command to send me home and then I would have no choice but to comply but he only glowered at me.

We stood there as a boy and girl rushed over with cleaning materials. They said their greetings and started to clean Sebastian’s blood off the floor while Cahir glared at me.

I should give in but I didn’t want to because I knew this was my fault. I dragged Sebastian with me on that vacation. He never wanted to go but I dragged him and now would they kill him?

His anguished shouts echoed in my car and I felt my resolve strengthen.

“What are they – What are they going to do with him?” I asked, swallowing. My throat was dry and I felt slightly dizzy, reminding me that I’d barely slept the previous night and skipped breakfast to come here.

“Do you want to see?” Cahir’s tone went quiet so quict the sound of the cleaning going on behind us almost drowned them out.

“Y–Yeah.” My voice cracked and Asena yelled at me.

“What the hell do you want to see?‘ She demanded. “You want to see them yank out that bastard’s intestines. or what? My wolf exclaimed. Let’s go home!

‘He – This would be all my fault if I let him go, I muttered to Asena.

“How? How is it your fault? The bastard was supposed to protect us but he dared look down on his Luna. Whatever punishment Cahir says he deserves is what he should get!”

“Let’s go.” Cahir stretched out a hand to me and I hesitated before taking it..


The dungeons were not far from the pack dwellings so we walked there – hand in hand- in absolute silence. Soft anger shimmered underneath my mate’s skin as he led the way.

“Welcome, Alpha, Luna.” The guards of the facility welcomed us, their gazes lingering on me as Cahir led

me inside.

The place was dimly lit and smelled awful. The dreadful smell assailed my nostrils as soon as we walked into the facility, but the further we went, the stronger the smell became. Cahir, still holding

my hand, led me down narrow stairs.

“I asked you and you said yes,” Cahir’s murmur reached my ears, although he didn’t look at me. This is

the anger simmering underneath his skin felt on the verge of exploding

The place was dark but not dark enough that my wolf eyes could not see and even if I could not see, it was difficult not to feel the eyes on me. I turned to the left and almost screamed, clutching Cahir’s hand tighter.

A man dressed in what could only be described as rags stared at me with unconcealed rage and hatred in his eyes, I saw evil in his eyes and felt his hatred pierce my skin. I’d never met this man in my life but he looked at me as if I had taken the most precious thing from him

No, the man wasn’t looking at me. His gaze was directed at the man beside me my mate. As we walked past him, I had to turn to observe but Cahir carried on as if he couldn’t feel the eyes murdering him on the spot.

It occurred to me that he was used to this kind of treatment. He must come to the dungeons a lot and it wasn’t surprising that the people he kept here hated him. It was the blatant evil in the man’s

eyes that surprised me. I’d never seen such hatred shining in someone’s eyes before.

We passed more people and a lot of them had vacant eyes. I could tell that they had been here for a while and for a brief second. I wondered what they did, what crimes they committed. Were they Alpha Boston’s


Soon, I could hear screams. It wasn’t just Sebastian this time – there were others, but he led me towards Sebastian’s room – his torture room. The smell was overwhelming and mixed with the smell of blood, it made me want to throw up but I held myself.

“These screams alone can drive a person mad.” At Cahir’s words, I looked at this place in a whole new light.

I hate Alpha Blood.

How did he bear to come down here and move around freely? It was this place this same place where he had been held for many years of his life, beaten and tortured on a daily basis. He’d perceived this smell every day and listened to these screams on the days his screams did not drown out that of others. He went through all these as a child.

How could he not hate this place?

‘Alpha Boston – Asena whispered, her rage slamming into me. I felt the same way. That man –

“Here is the man that was supposed to protect you. We came to a grinding halt and I looked at the mess that Sebastian had become.

“He made a mistake. The words spilt from my mouth without preamble.

Sebastian was a proud man. It showed in the way he carried himself and how he opposed guarding me the day Cahir instructed him to. He was the head of the Alpha’s guards, a position important enough to make him proud.

The Sebastian I knew and the Sebastian I was looking at were two different people.

“A mistake too costly,” Cahir agreed, looking at Sebastian.

His hands, legs and neck were chained with silver. I could feel the chains irritating my skin from so far où. although it was just an irritating feeling.


“Cahir–1-1 went off all on my own.” Two other men were in the room with Sebastian and for our sake. they stopped the procedure. “This is my fault. Don’t do this to him.”

“Sihana.” He called my name with a growl. He’d gotten to his wit’s end. I felt it in his tone but I did not back down. “He was to protect you with his life.”

“But – But I went off on my own” I looked at the other men in the room as if asking them to lend me their voices but they looked away.

“Sihana Asena, do you know who you are?” The gravity of his question gave me pause.

“I–I am just ” Of course – Of course, I knew who I was but I couldn’t form complete thoughts not to talk

of sentences.

“You are my Luna,” I swallowed at the anger that whispered around me from his quiet tone. “These men pledged their lives to me. This one in particular “He stabbed a finger in Sebastian’s direction. “This one pledged his life to protect you.” I couldn’t remember any such pledge but I kept quiet. “And he failed. The chained Sebastian whimpered.

“Can’t we give him another chance?” I looked at the other men but they looked at their shoes. “He is the best of your guards and this – he may never recover.”

“Another chance to fail?” Cahir snorted. “What does he need to recover for?” My heart stuttered. “His life is

worthless now.”

“But I looked at Sebastian agai


I couldn’t shake off my sense of responsibility. I dragged him all the way to Manz Island. It was my fault all this was happening. If If he died, his blood would be on my hands. Bile rose in my throat and I had to clutch at Cahir to keep from falling from the sudden dizziness that hit me.

“There are no buts. Let’s go. He gripped me a

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