Loving Quinn Novel by North Rose

Chapter 94


Three long hours have passed since I learned that I am going to be a father for the second time. So many different emotions and thoughts have gone through me in the last few hours. I can see the joy on Annora’s face as she dances with her father.

I have been left alone at the head table as they dance. It has given me time to process all these emotions. I want to have my s**t together before we leave for our honeymoon. So, while they are still dancing, I head down to the beach.

Shawna is with Grace a little way down the beach. It looks like they are building a sandcastle. Max is sitting in the sand with a drink in his hand as he stares at the water. I don’t want to intrude on his thoughts, so I head down the beach to my right.

After walking for a few minutes, I sit down far enough away from the water that I won’t risk getting wet. My mind goes crazy as the waves crash against the beach. I am the happiest I have been in my entire life, so why is there fear laced with it?

Annie is my wife after all this time. She blessed me with an amazing daughter. Now, we are going to have another baby. None of that has made me as scared as I am right now.

I have wanted this, all of this, since we met.

What the f**k is my problem?

Why am I sitting out here alone instead of up there with my amazingly beautiful bride?

What is wrong with me?

“Ah, there you are!”

Tori’s voice makes me look to my left as she walks over to me. I take my jacket off and place it on

the sand so she can join me. Once she is seated, I look back at the water.

“Why did you put up with me when I was a kid?”

Tori sighs, then slips her arm through mine. “When you first showed up at my house with Aaron, I was initially reserved. Here was this ten-year-old boy with such a guarded look in his eyes. No child that young should have that look.”

“So, it was pity that made you do all you did for me?”

“Where is that coming from? You know better than that!”

Shame floods my heart as I glance over at her and see the hurt look in her brown eyes. I hang my head low as she just stares at me. I have never once asked her why she took a chance on me. Why now?

“We were new to the area, so we had no clue about your past. Aaron knew that you were a good kid, or he wouldn’t have brought you to the house. It took some time for you to trust us, trust me, enough to open up. I figured some of it out before you shared more of the hurtful stuff.”

She places her hand on my cheek to make me look at her. Just like I have seen for most of my life with her, there is unconditional love in Tori’s eyes. It makes me feel humble. I earned that love from a mother who chose me.

“I saw a boy who needed guidance, friendship, and most importantly, love. Michael and I love you like you are ours. We can never replace your parents, but we will always be here for you.”

“I love you, mom.”

Tori doesn’t say anything, which makes me think she assumes I am talking to my mother. I have

never once called her mom. I need her to know that is how I see her and have seen her for years

now. I will always love my mother, but Tori is my mom too.

“I have never said this to you, but I need you to know. You are my mother too, and I love you.”

I can see the surprise on her face before she smiles at me. I wrap her in my arms and hold her close while she silently cries. I should have told her this years ago, but now that I have, it feels so

much better.

“Is this why you came out here alone?” Tori asks as she pulls away.

No, but it was on my mind recently. I am sorry I didn’t tell you years ago when I first realized it


“Quinn, you showed me in many ways that you thought of me as your mom. I didn’t need to hear it, but it feels amazing. I never wanted to make you feel like I was trying to replace her. I could

never replace her, nor do I want to.”

“You haven’t replaced her; you just took over when she couldn’t. I think she would have loved you for that, just like I do.”

She smiles at me and leans her head against my shoulder. We sit together in silence for a few minutes before she lifts her head and looks to our left. I see her head move in my peripheral vision, so I glance to see what she is looking at.

Annora is standing at the bottom of the beach stairs, waving at us. For the umpteenth time today, I am amazed that she is my wife. She is all mine, and we are having another baby.

“I am nervous, Tori.”

She turns back to look at me with a frown on her face. “For the honeymoon? I would have figured you knew what to do by now,” she says with a smirk.

“I am nervous about the baby.”

“Oh, Quinn. You are an amazing father. This new baby will be loved so much.”

“It was easier with Grace. She is almost a teenager. I have no experience with babies. What if I drop her? What if I hurt her or him? I am scared that I will leave too much for Annie to do

because I have no idea what to do.”

Tori nods her head, stands up, and then points to Annora. “She will help you. Share your fears with her. Let her tell you what to do. You are not alone in any of this. You have a beautiful wife and two loving sets of parents. Not to mention your four new brothers.”

I stand up, dust my jacket off, and then just stare at Annora as she waits for us to join her at the


“What did I do to be so lucky to deserve her and everything she has given me?”

Tori loops her arm through mine, then starts walking slowly up the beach. I walk with her as I think of all the things I have done wrong in my life. There are too many to list, and I feel so inadequate.

“The kind of love you two share is a once-in-a-lifetime kind of love. Treasure it. Nurture it. Believe in it. Most of all, stop questioning it. That woman loves you, and you love her. Now go to your bride, Quinn. Be happy.”

I give her a hug when we reach the stairs, then watch as she walks up them to join the rest of the guests. When she is at the top, I turn to look at Annie. There is a knowing smile on her face as she holds her hand out for me to take.

Instead of taking her hand, I wrap my arms around her, then place my lips softly over hers. She melts against me, and the kiss takes on more than I intended. I savor the feeling of her lips on mine for a few moments before I pull away.

“Thank you for making me the happiest man here, Annie,”

“Well, if you hurry, I can make you happier in a few minutes.” The sultry book in her eyes makes my heart s***p a beat.

“I had an idea that may change our plans a bit. What do you say to going out on my yacht instead of going to the hotel? I planned the yacht for tomorrow, but I think going there tonight will be better.”

“As long as I am alone with you, I don’t care where we go.”

“Then let’s go say goodnight to Grace and our families. The yacht is fully stocked and ready for us at the marina.”

After three hours, we are on the yacht, miles offshore. I decided to run a bath for us while Annie talked to Grace one more time before she went to bed. I placed candles all over the large bathroom. We decided that we were going to spend the entire week right here on the yacht.

Miles away from everyone we know. We can take it further out into the ocean or up the coast and maybe head to Mar**le. The beauty is that we have the week to do whatever we want.

After the bathroom looks just how I want it, I go in search of my wife. I find her lying on the bed in just a silk robe. The temptation to join her is strong, but I want to pamper her for a few hours in the tub. Get her nice and relaxed.

“Your bath awaits, my love.”

“Comfortable right here,” she sighs as she opens her eyes to look at me.

“Hot water, mood lighting, and a naked me will be in the bathtub.”

Her head shoots up off the pillow to fully look at me. I have a towel wrapped low on my hips, and I am standing at the foot of the bed. Her eyes travel over my body, and a grin appears on her face. The hungry look in her eyes lets me know that I have her full attention now.

“Does that sound appealing to you?”

“You look appealing to me. It would be even better if you dropped that towel.”

I slide my hand down my stomach, then rest it on the top of the towel where it is tucked in. I don’t make another move to undo it until she sits up and scoots to the edge of the bed. Her eyes have gone dark, her nipples are now straining against the silk of her robe, and her lower lip is between her teeth.

I unhooked the towel, let it fall to the floor, and then walked away. Annie growls in frustration, and then I feel her behind me. She slaps my a** as I walk into the bathroom.

A few minutes later, she is sitting between my legs and resting against my chest with her back to me as I run my hand slowly down her body. I watch it disappear into the bubbles, where I know she wants it to be. The soft moan she lets out when I graze her cl**t with my finger makes me smile.

“I have wanted to do this since I kissed you at the altar. Since I made you my wife.” I whisper in her ear as I slip a finger inside her.

“Naughty husband,” she moans. “Keep going.”noveldrama

I slip a second finger inside, then slowly start to move them just how she likes. My thumb swirls over her cl**t as I pump my fingers. She lifts one arm above her head to grab my neck while her other hand grips my arm, the arm attached to the hand that is giving her pleasure.

“Like that? Is this what you want?”

Instead of words coming out of her mouth, small, erotic little moans are all the indication I need

to let me know that she is very much enjoying what I am doing. When she tightens around my fingers and then moans my name, I wait until I feel her relax to remove my fingers.

“More?” I ask her while I place my hands on her hips.

“Please, Quinn.”

“Tell me what you want, wife.”

“Make love to me, my **y husband.”

I lift her up enough so my c**k can fit against her core, then I gently lower her down over it. She moans my name as she takes me in. I slide us down further in the water, then thrust up into her.

I cup her breasts in my hand as I slowly make love to her. Her cries of pleasure echo off the tiled walls of the bathroom as I pull my c**k in and out of her slick, cushy core. This is the first time

that I am making love to my wife.

“Quinn….” she moans my name as she o**ms.

“I love you, Annie,” I whisper as I thrust into her one last time before I find my own release.

“I love you so much.”

We lay just like this until the water starts to cool. The sound of her deep, even breathing makes

me smile, but I have to wake her so we can get out of the tub. My c***k is still inside her, so I move my hips enough to slip free. She moans my name as I do.

“Come on, Annie, wake up.”

“Don’t want to.”

I shake my head, then lean her up so I can get out of the tub. Once I have a towel wrapped around my waist, I lift her up out of the water, then sit on the counter across from it to wrap her in one too. She wraps her arms around my neck as I carry her out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.

It has been a long day.

By the time I reach the bed, she is fast asleep. I lift the covers, slide her onto the bed, and remove the towel. After tossing mine to the floor, I slip onto the bed beside her and cover us up. I pull her into my arms, and soon she has her head on my chest, where it belongs.

Sleep comes easy as I hold her against me. Her warmth seeping into my skin makes me sigh in contentment. I had doubts about my ability to be a father to our new baby today, but I have never once doubted my ability to love Annie.

I have loved her since we were eighteen, and I will spend the rest of my life loving her. I will love our new baby and any other children we have just like I love Grave. With my full, unconditional love. Nothing less will do for my family. (1

My wife.

My children.

They are my life.

Thank you to the powers that be for giving me a second chance with the love of my life. I will do everything I can to continue to prove that I am worth this gift. To show that I am no longer the damaged child I used to be, the jaded soldier I became, or the cold-hearted businessman I turned into.

I am a man worthy of love.

I have more people who care about me than I ever thought I deserved. Annora’s family folded me into their circle with open arms. Aaron and his parents made me a part of the family I always wanted to grow up with. Tori was the mother I never asked her to be but always knew I needed her to be.

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