My Boss My Secret Husband (Hazel and Logan)

Chapter 0035

"You...what?" I asked.

"Please," Chance leaned himself on my car, unable to stand any longer, apparently. "I made a huge mistake. I want you back."

"How much have you had to drink?" I asked him.

“This many,” he slurred. He held up nine fingers, looked at his hands, then put up the tenth finger.

I sighed. "I'll call you a cab."

"Don't you want me back, too?"

"God no," I said, pulling out my phone to look up the closest taxi company.

"I thought you wanted to marry me?" Chance pouted.

"I did," I pushed the call button on my phone. "But every day I thank God that I dodged that bullet."

The phone rang once. "Coach Cab," a friendly voice answered.

"Hi, yes, I need a cab sent to..." I started. Chance grabbed the phone from my hand before I could give her the address.

"Never mind," he said into the phone. 1 don't need a cab, I need my girlfriend to give me a second chance!"

I reached for the phone, but he pulled it away from me and hung up before I could grab it. He cocked his head to the side for a moment, then started laughing.

"What is so funny?" I held my hand out to him for my phone, but he was laughing too hard to notice.

"A second chance. My name is Chance! You'd be getting a second me!" He started laughing even harder. "I'm already regretting the first Chance I had," I narrowed my eyes at him. "Please, let me call you a cab, I just want to go to bed and put this very weird day behind me."

"You can't call me a cab," he said between fits of laughter.

"Why not?" I said impatiently. I rubbed the bridge of my nose with my thumb and index finger. I had almost forgotten how annoying drunk Chance could be

“Because...because that's not my name!" He slid down my car and landed on his rear on the floor, laughing the entire way down.

tshook my head angrily and snatched my phone away from him. "One more bad joke and I swear to God ..." I started.

"Hazel? Are you alright? What's going on?" Logan's voice said from behind me.

I turned. Both Logan and Dylan were walking quickly towards me, looks of concern covering both of their faces.

"I'm fine," I said. "This is just my idiot ex-boyfriend."


Dylan and Logan walked over to Chance. Each grabbed one of his arms and hoisted him to his feet.

"Is he bothering you?" Dylan asked.

“He's harmless,” I said. “Just annoying."

"Sounds like a yes then," Dylan said.

I laughed. Dylan gave me a wink. My heart fluttered at that.

"Let me go," Chance tried to pull himself from their grip, but no luck. It looked to me like Dylan worked out as much as Logan did. A drunk, scrawny man like Chance would never be able to break loose from even one of them, much less both.

"I'll call a ride for him," Dylan said to Logan. "You think you can handle him?"

Both Logan and Dylan laughed at his question. Dylan stepped a few feet away and began typing on his phone. Logan grabbed Chance by the shirt and pulled him close, so they were standing eye to eye.

"You're going to leave this property and never come back, do you hear me?" Logan said.

"But I need..." Chance began to protest.

"There's nothing you need here. Hazel has moved on, and I suggest you do the same. You are banned from this property. If you ever even think about stepping foot on my family's property again, I will see to it that your ass gets put in jail. Am I making myself clear? Logan said.

I covered my mouth to hide my smile. I couldn't deny how incredibly flattered I was that both Dylan and Logan were taking up for me.

Dylan returned a moment later. "Cab's on the way," he said, smiling at me. I suddenly felt very shy at that look he gave me. I blushed and looked at the ground.

“Great,” Logan said. “I was just telling...wait, what's his name?”

"Chance," I told him.

"I was just telling Mr. Chance here that he is no longer welcome on this property. Do you have any legal advice for the young man?" Logan said to Dylan.

"I do," Dylan said. He leaned close to Chance's face. "If I ever catch wind that you so much as looked in Hazel's direction in a harassing manner, I'll sue you for everything you're worth." He gave Chance a big smile.

"Hazel?" Chance said, looking at me.

"Eh eh eh," Dylan shook his head at Chance. "You don't need to speak to her. You can talk to Logan or I if you wish, until your cab arrives. I think we make pretty good company, if I do say so myself.”

Chance hung his head, and the four of us walted in silence until the cab arrived. Dylan and Logan helped him into the back seat while I spoke to the driver.

"You can take him to my parents' house, they live at 615 NW Tanglewood, When you get there, ask for Natalie. She's probably worried sick about him,” I said, slipping the driver some extra cash.

We watched as the taxi cab pulled out of the parking garage.noveldrama

"Are these your bags?" Dylan asked, pointing to my tote and purse that sat on the ground next to my car.

1 nodded. He picked them up and I reached out my hands for them.

"I'll carry them up for you," he smiled at me. "Do you have everything you need?"

"Yeah, that's all," I said, smiling. "Thank you."

He winked at me again. A million butterflies exploded in my stomach. Handsome and a gentleman? Yes, please.

The three of us began walking towards the elevator to the office.

"So, crazy ex, huh?" Dylan asked.

“Uh huh,” I said.

"Is this the one you were telling me about?" Logan asked.

Dylan's eyes grew wide. "Woah, excuse me? Mr. Strictly-Business? You know something personal about one of your employees?"

I stifled a laugh.

To my surprise, Logan's cheeks turned a slight shade of pink. "She just happened to mention it in my vicinity is all."

"Mhm," Dylan said, eyeing Logan suspiciously. Then he turned back to me. "So, what's the story?"

"Oh, it's a classic love tale. You've probably heard it a million times before. Boy meets girl, boy takes girl on trip and proposes to her sister instead," I said with a shrug.

Dylan raised his eyebrows. "Ouch. Well! Boy is stupid to let someone so amazing get away."

Logan narrowed his eyes at Dylan. The elevator door opened to our floor. "We're here," he said, still looking at Dylan.

"I'll take those," I said, grabbing my bags. "Thank you again."

"My pleasure," Dylan said, his eyes lingering on mine. Logan cleared his throat. "I'll see you around?*

I nodded. He gave me a little wave and I watched them walk towards Logan's office. I smiled as I watched, until I noticed another office light on.

It was Peter's. And he was staring right at me.

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