Salute To The General

Chapter 3182

Chapter 3182

The second Wolfric heard that, his face turned as grim as death.

Immediately after Eugene IV and the Remdikian God of War showed their support for Nathan, many other Gods of War at the scene, too, started to agree with Nathan being the commander-in-chief.

Suddenly, more than half of the Gods of War sided with Nathan.

Only the remaining Adrunian powers, such as Eagleland, Hallsbay, Ferropene, Frosa, and Xenhall, did not officially express their position.

As the mainstay of Adrune, those countries' cooperation was vital in the fight against the vampires, so everyone was focused on them.

Even though many supported Nathan, Wolfric remained calm because those Adrunian powers that had yet to express their positions were actually his allies.

He had no reason to believe their Gods of War would not support him. Nathan will have no choice but to give in if those Gods of War side with me. After all, he has to consider the greater good. I have no problem using the same old trick. If it's not broken, don't fix it!

Pleased with himself, Wolfric then intentionally asked Catherine, the Eaglelandian God of War, "Ms. Catherine, what do you think?"

With a rare look of hesitation on her face, Catherine seemed reluctant to respond to the question.

"Ms. Catherine, Adrune bore the brunt of the blood virus outbreak, which wiped out many small tribes and small countries. The number of vampires is conservatively estimated to have exceeded ten million and is still growing rapidly. That's why I hope that we can all unite as humans. Please make your decision carefully," advised Nathan with a smile when he noticed Catherine's hesitation.

Looking at both Nathan and Wolfric, Catherine eventually made up her mind, so she slowly voiced, "My country and Ariarica are allies, and Mr. Welz is a good friend of mine..."noveldrama

Eugene IV, Leopold, and the others could not help but be disappointed when they heard Catherine because they thought she was going to side with Wolfric.

On the other hand, Wolfric, Eiken, and those who supported them smirked.

What Catherine said next, though, shocked everyone.

"However, the matter today concerns the safety of my nation and the situation in Adrune. In fact, I'd even say that it concerns the survival of mankind, so after some thought, I decided to support


Nathan. No matter if it's in terms of strength, morality, or the fact Nathan won the bet with Wolfric, the position of commander-in-chief belongs to Nathan," uttered

Catherine in a deep voice. Content

What? The Eaglelandian God of War thinks Nathan should be the commander-in-chief? Wolfric's face immediately hardened while Eiken and the others dropped their jaws.

As for Eugene IV, Leopold, and those who sided with Nathan, they were over the moon when they heard Catherine's position.

At that moment, the other Adrunian powers, too, made up their minds.

"I agree with Ms. Catherine. We shouldn't be fighting among ourselves at this juncture. I support Nathan as the commander-in-chief of the alliance," stated Carsten the Hallsbayan God of War, after biting his tips.

After whispering an apology to Wolfric, Hendrik, the Ferropenian God of War, also announced that he would be supporting Nathan.

Shortly after that, Lochlan, the Frosian God of War, and Dubravko, the Xenhallan God of War, followed suit and sided with Nathan. Those people were supposed to be Wolfric's allies, yet they abandoned him and supported Nathan.

Their decision to side with Nathan was like a hard slap to Wolfric, who could not believe what was happening before his eyes.

Eugene IV was so impressed by Nathan that he had nothing but admiration in his eyes when he looked at the man.

At first, Nathan prioritized the

greater good which won him

everyone's support even though he

failed to become the

commander-in-chief, so naturally,

almost nobody had any problem with him when he claimed the position.

On the contrary, the despicable Wolfric was bound to be cast aside.

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