The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

Chapter 43

Johnathon POVnoveldrama

As we stepped inside the large and luxurious boutique, Charlotte's face faded from an ugly scowl to an expression wreathed with smiles as she took in the racks of designer gowns that filled the shop. I sighed. I had no desire to be here, content to wear one of my many suits to the engagement party, but Charlotte had insisted on my presence as I was paying for the dress. She could wear anything as far as I was concerned and look beautiful. But the dress had to be 'perfect' as she claimed or she would not be able to walk into the party with her head held high or some such nonsense. A lovely young saleswoman approached us with a smile. "Welcome to Luxe, how may I assist you today?" she asked. Charlotte sniffed "It's about time somebody offered to help us. We've been standing here for ages" she complained. We had been here for about a minute or two, but Charlotte made it seem as though we'd been here for much longer. The saleslady, her name tag reading Melanie, took a deep breath "I apologize for the wait" she said graciously "is there anything in particular that you need assistance with?"

"I need a gown for an engagement party," Charlotte said with a sneer, examining her perfectly manicured nails and regarding the saleslady coldly "it's my engagement party and I have to have a dress that will have everybody talking about it. It has to be a one-off" she snapped "so no replica's and no knock-offs. I want the real thing."

Melanie smiled tightly "We have many gowns that might suit your coloring and figure," she said softly "Is there a particular designer that you would like me to try and find a dress in?"

Charlotte smiled at her viciously "Either by L. Stark or that new one, what's she called" she tapped her chin thoughtfully "She's all the rage, um, um" she exhaled, looking frustrated "Rair" her eyes brightened "That's the one."

None of those names made any sense to me, but Melanie nodded briskly. "Please take a seat and I shall try to find a gown suitable" she instructed.

Charlotte flounced over to the chair and sat, motioning impatiently for me to join her. I watched as Melanie disappeared out the back and then came back, holding two gowns in her hand. Charlotte examined them with a mutinous expression on her face. I didn't have to be a mind-reader to know that she was about to refuse them.

"Are they by Rair?" she asked as Melanie nodded "I just don't like the material" she murmured.

Melanie ducked her head. "If you will excuse me, I just want to check on my other customers and then will head right back to you."

Charlotte opened her mouth to protest, but I cut in before she could say something rude "Not a problem" I said, causing Charlotte to whip her head around and glower at me.

Melanie quickly headed to the dressing rooms.

"Johnathon" Charlotte hissed "how dare you. If she's serving us, then she shouldn't be serving any other customers." "She was probably serving them first" I muttered "and it's not like it's going to take much time. What was the problem with the dresses?" I asked mystified "both the gowns she brought out were gorgeous."

Charlotte pouted "They weren't pretty enough. They were missing something."

It was going to be a long afternoon. I tried to maintain my composure, but Charlotte's facial expression had changed as she saw Melanie holding two dresses carefully in her arms and heading to the registers with them. She jumped up, pointing accusingly at the woman who halted in her tracks.

"That dress" Charlotte trilled as Melanie looked at her, Charlotte pointing at one that was royal blue "I want that one," she said in triumph.

Melanie looked at her nervously "I'm afraid that this dress has already been sold, madam."

Charlotte stormed over to her "They haven't paid yet, so it's still available, isn't it?" she said angrily.

I could feel the beginnings of a headache forming behind my eyes. Why couldn't Charlotte have picked a dress from the racks? Why was she about to fight with another customer over the dress?

"With all due respect Ma'am, this dress has already been chosen by somebody else" Melanie said, holding onto the dresses protectively, eyeing Charlotte warily.

Charlotte drew herself up, her eyes blazing "Do you have any idea of who I am? I am a Deluca" she announced, as another woman came walking up.

"I'm Sophie the manager," the woman said, glancing at Charlotte, having heard her announce who she was, and looking at Melanie "what seems to be the problem?"

"She wants this dress," Melanie told the manager reluctantly "but another customer has already chosen it."

The manager frowned "The other customer is not as esteemed as a Deluca though" she said and Melanie bit her lip "we want to ensure that the Deluca family is satisfied with their experience here and encourage them to come shopping again" she added, staring Melanie down.

"But," Melanie said and her manager interrupted, while Charlotte looked on in glee.

"No buts," her manager said snidely "tell the other customer that they will have to choose another dress. If Miss Deluca wants this one" she paused to gift Charlotte with a magnificent smile as Charlotte smirked "then she gets this one. Miss Deluca, you have my sincerest apologies for the way my saleslady has handled this and in future she will know exactly how to respond to your needs" she added, causing Melanie to stiffen and glance at her manager slightly outraged. "See that she does," Charlotte said with a smirk "Next time I won't be so generous and will take my business elsewhere." "It won't happen again" The manager assured us "I apologize most sincerely. Is there anything else we can do to assist you."

I couldn't help myself. "What about the other customer?" I asked quietly "they will need a new dress to replace that one."

"I will see to it, if you will assist Miss Deluca," Melanie said tightly, glancing at her manager and handing her the royal blue dress with a scowl.

Sophie looked taken aback but readily produced a smile. "What else do you require Miss Deluca?" she asked graciously, as Melanie stonily made her way back to the dressing rooms.

"I need matching shoes of course and a purse," Charlotte said, a smile curving on her lips "I'm going to sit over there, bring them to me so I can try them on," she said nonchalantly, turning on her heel and heading directly back to the chair.

The manager looked resigned as she took the dress to the registers and then headed towards the shoe department. I sat beside Charlotte, feeling annoyed.

"You could have picked a different dress, instead of stealing one from another customer," I said tersely.

Charlotte raised a brow "But that's the one I want" she said coldly "and it's not as though the other customer is as important as I am" she boasted.

She was gloating. She was enjoying the fact that she had taken something from another person, without consideration to how they might feel about it. Was this her usual mode of operation? Is this how she normally shopped? She saw something she wanted and she demanded it, no matter who was inconvenienced at the end of the day?

The dressing rooms opened and I saw out of the corner of my eye, two beautiful women step out. One looked incensed, glaring hard at Charlotte, while the other looked composed, a serene smile on her face. I swallowed hard. Flair. What was she doing here in a place like this? She couldn't afford to shop here, could she? Unless somebody else was footing the bill. I turned to Charlotte, hoping to prevent her from seeing, but it was too late as her head turned and she gaped, unable to believe her eyes. "Well, well, well" she murmured "what have we here" she added cattily, smoothly standing.

The saleslady Melanie was chatting to Flair and gesturing wildly. It occurred to me then, that Charlotte must have taken either Flair's dress or her friend Rachel's. Judging by the smug smile on Charlotte's face, she knew it too. She began to stride towards Flair while I tried to prevent her, grabbing her arm.

"Charlotte, don't do anything reckless" I warned her "we're out in public and you know that you're grandfather will kill you if there's another scandal before the party. Just leave her alone" I pleaded.

Charlotte yanked her arm out of my grip and gave me a wicked grin "I'm just going over to say hello to your ex-wife Johnathon" she purred, flipping her hair over her shoulder and regarding me with feigned innocence "I don't know why you want to believe the worst of me every time" she added, before beginning to storm over to Flair and Rachel who watched her approach with resignation.

I followed behind silently. Charlotte was a storm to be reckoned with. She paused in front of the two women and placed a delicate hand on her hip, her eyes glinting with mischief.

"Flair darling" she cooed as Flair turned glacial eyes on her "what a lovely surprise seeing you here. Of all places" she added as Flair's friend Rachel stiffened "when a peasant such as yourself can hardly afford to be in such a place. I imagine that some man must be footing the bill" she finished.

"Hello Charlotte" Flair said politely "I trust that you've managed to find a dress suitable for the engagement party" she added with a wry twist of her mouth.

It had definitely been Flair's dress that Charlotte had laid her greedy hands on, I grimly concluded.

Charlotte smirked "Oh, was that your dress that you picked out Flair" she feigned mortification "I'm so sorry, but when I saw it, I simply had to have it. I guess that's one of the bonuses of being a Deluca and not from an average or poor family such as yourself. I can have anything I want and there's never any consequences for me."

I saw Rachel's eyes flash and knew things were about to get heated. Charlotte had just started a fight and Rachel was known for her explosive temper. I wanted to groan out loud. Sometimes it was infuriating that Charlotte couldn't be a little more civil towards others, but was it right to expect that from her when she had always hated Flair, for some unfathomable reason that I couldn't even discern?

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