The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

Chapter 50

Flair POVnoveldrama

I'm beaming widely as I change my clothes into something a little more professional, a pencil skirt with a white blouse and black suit jacket, stockings, and black heels, my hair kept loose and flowing down my back. As I walk back down the stairs, I see a look of appreciation on my husband's face. "You look stunning, but you always do," he tells me sincerely, taking hold of my hand as I step down.

He grabs his briefcase and his wallet, his keys, while I have a handbag on my shoulder, patiently waiting. His hair is slightly disheveled, making him look even more rugged to me. He escorts me out the door and then locks the door carefully behind us. He puts his hand on the small of my back and leads me to the limousine, opening the door before the driver can and assisting me to sit inside, before joining me.

"How large is your firm?" I asked as Grayson sat back, looking out the window.

I was excited. Grayson didn't know this but I had already studied his firm but it didn't beat hearing the enthusiasm in his voice as he spoke about the company he had worked so hard to build up from the ground without the assistance or help of his family name. "It's a large two-story building, and we employ more than a dozen lawyers, two dozen paralegals, a receptionist, my personal assistant Timothy and we have several casual employees as well. It seems that some sentences in this chapter require you to read the complete chapters on Jo (b) n i in order to avoid an incomplete reading experience. I have lawyers who work full-time and some who work part-time between more than one firm. As long as there is no conflict of interest I don't mind. I also encourage each lawyer to do their fair share of pro bono work" he explained, raising a brow "and we take cases that fit within our guidelines. We are strictly defense lawyers but we don't take any case that comes along. If it's against our morals, we refuse the case." I nodded impressed. "A lot of my clients are wealthy. Some jobs are easy, including the making of wills and naming of benefactors. Others are a little more difficult, such as wrongful termination suits. We've done several class action suits and been successful." Another nod. Grayson cleared his throat and began to look sheepish "Sorry, I get a bit carried away when I get asked about my firm" he said apologetically.

I shook my head "No, it's fine" I protested "I like hearing how passionate you are about it. What is it called?"

"Oakes and Son," Grayson said with a roll of his eyes "I don't have a son, but one day" he paused and a wistful expression came over his face "one day I might and they might follow in my footsteps and if they don't we can change the name. The firm just sounds like it's been in the family with a name like that."

I thought it was nice. The limousine pulled out in front of an impressive large building and Grayson gallantly got out first, grabbing my hand and assisting me, before the driver handed him his briefcase. "Thank you, Myles," Grayson said as the driver nodded "I will have Timothy call you when you're needed again. Why don't you go relax in the staffroom for now?" he suggested, "so you're out of the heat." The driver brightened and tipped his hat. "Will do, thanks, Mr Grayson."

Grayson grabbed my hand. I had remembered to put the ring he had given me back on and it sparkled in the sun. I saw him eyeing it with a small smile on his face. He walked me to the front doors and opened it, waiting for me to enter, before he let go and entered himself. The inside of the building was warm and welcoming. A stark contrast to his home, I thought with some amusement. There were paintings on the walls, plants, comfortable chairs to wait in, and a lovely woman on the reception desk smiling widely as she stood up to greet Grayson.

"Good morning Mr Grayson" she cooed before glancing curiously at me "Timothy is already in your office waiting for you." "Thank you, Sarah," Grayson said smiling, and then put his arm around me, moving me closer "I'd like you to meet my wife Flair."

Stunned silence. The woman gaped. I gave a tentative smile and then she grinned, rushing around the large reception desk and flinging her arms around me as I stiffened slightly.

"How lovely to meet you" she gushed "Grayson had mentioned getting married but hadn't said you were so lovely" she added, pulling back as I blushed "Oh, I'm so happy for you both." "Thank you," I said as she strode back around the desk.

"If you need anything, anything at all," Sarah said sincerely, eyeing me "you call me okay. I will get you whatever you need," she said sternly.

Grayson chuckled "Well we're going up to my office now, but maybe you could arrange for some lunch to be brought up later?" he asked Sarah who nodded eagerly "oh," Grayson said as we turned "Flair is vegan so make sure it's suitable for her please." "You got it" Sarah yelled as we began to head up the nearby stairs, causing me to giggle.

"She seems lovely," I said sincerely.

I liked her. Grayson nodded, leading me down a long corridor and to a huge office that had his name on the front door, a smiling Timothy waving as we walked inside.

"Sarah has been with us from the start. We started off as just one office and then expanded. Now we own the entire building" he commented with satisfaction "and I didn't have to rely on family money or the name to do it" he added pleased.

"That's impressive Grayson," I told him as he pulled out a seat for me to sit in "you have every right to be proud of yourself." "Yeah, but Johnathon did the same thing, did he not?" he pointed out a little grumpily "and he has no family name to use as a backup." I shifted on the seat "Johnathon had the help of a foreign investor, so it's hardly the same thing" I said awkwardly "they contributed a lot of money to his firm which allowed him to grow it quicker than if he'd had to do it all on his own." "He still managed to find somebody to invest though," Grayson said heavily "without using my family name, I was out of luck when it came to finding any. Although I prefer to own it outright without the messiness of investors involved."

Except that the foreign investor had been myself I thought embarrassed. Johnathon had harped on and on about needing to get his firm up and running and been so depressed that he was struggling to get it up and running that I, as a good wife or feeling like I should, had produced the money and covered my tracks in such a way that it could never be tracked back to me. I regretted it now, but it was too late to take it back. Johnathon would never realize who had been the person responsible for the cashflow that had enabled him to finally reach his dream.

Timothy got off the phone. "Mrs Oakes," he said jovially, extending his hand to me "such a pleasure to see you here today. Welcome," he said "is there anything I can get you?"

"No thank you" I said with a c**k of my head "I'm here to give my husband some company and maybe see how you run things around here."

Timothy chuckled "well it's not that fascinating, I'm sure, but you'll be a welcome distraction" he teased as Grayson scowled at him "as it is sir, you have an important client coming in, in about ten minutes, so it's lucky you came in."

"I told you to cancel meetings until this afternoon" Grayson said moodily "why didn't you cancel this one?"

Timothy bit his lip "Ordinarily I would not have hesitated to do so, but given the status of this particular client, I could not without serious offense. You would have been severely angry with me if I had canceled the meeting with this client, given their social standing."

Grayson frowned "Well what kind of client is this? Don't tell me Charlotte or grandfather is coming this morning" he added looking gloomy.

I stiffened. I did not want to see either Charlotte Deluca or the infamous grandfather. But Timothy was already shaking his head frantically and my body relaxed. Slightly. Perhaps a little too quickly, because Timothy's lips flattened and his face went slightly pale. "No it's not Charlotte Deluca or your Grandfather Sir," he said respectfully, bowing his head and looking apprehensive "actually it's, well it's Mr Grant that is attending today. So you see how I couldn't cancel it" he blurted out as Grayson looked at him in shock. "What Grant is it?" Grayson demanded as my face went ashen "lan? Knox? Or the father?" he asked beginning to put his laptop on the table in preparation.

"The father" Timothy confirmed "he wants to speak about important business but would not clarify what that was."

s**t. My father was coming to the office. I glanced towards the doorway. He was going to be here any moment and then I was a goner. I bit my lip. Was it too late to dive out the window? A rather desperate reaction, but one that was almost appropriate.

"I believe that Mr Ian Grant is accompanying him today by his account" Timothy added, glancing at Grayson meaningfully. s**t. I was a goner. There was nothing I could do to prevent what was about to happen. Any minute now, I was going to be face to face with my family and nothing was going to stop the inevitable. My secret identity was about to be let slip. Unless my brother could persuade my father to stay mum about it. I heard the sound of footsteps in the hall and my stomach began to clench as nerves got the best of me. We all stood, our gazes looking in the direction of the doorway.

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