The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

Chapter 65

Johnathon POV

I walked downstairs with a large yawn to the dining room, feeling sleepy despite the lateness of the hour, only to hear the sound of Charlotte's voice shrieking at the top of her lungs.

"Not one paper has our picture mother, not one. How dare they" she screamed, practically frothing at the mouth as I entered warily, finding her, her mother, and her grandfather at the table, staring down at a pile of different newspapers. "What is the problem?" I asked, moving to kiss a fuming Charlotte on the forehead as she glared down at the offending papers.

"This" she hissed, brandishing a paper towards me as I sat down, a maid putting a plate of breakfast in front of me "Just look. That b***h got put on the front page instead of us. It was our engagement party and instead of publishing about it, they focused on that useless brother of mine and that tart he married" she wailed, her eyes suspiciously shiny with tears that were about to fall.

I quietly took the newspaper out of her hand and smoothed it on the table, glancing down at the photo and feeling a spurt of jealousy. It was beautiful. It captured Flair's likeness and personality perfectly. You could see the various hues of her hair, the brilliant shine to her smile, and the delicate frame she possessed as Grayson held her to him. They looked like a couple in love. They weren't even glancing towards the camera, I thought grumpily, they were looking at each other as though they were the only two people in the room.

Charlotte burst into tears as her mother quietly rubbed circles on her back "It's all ruined. All that work and effort into the engagement party and my pictures not even on the front page" she sobbed "I wore the perfect dress and everything!"

John, her grandfather, raised his eyes heavenward "Will you give it a rest already" he said impatiently "Anybody would think that you were facing a natural disaster or something with the way you are carrying on. It's not the end of the bloody world is it?" he cursed, causing Karen to gasp and look at him in shock.

"But Grandfather" Charlotte sobbed "This was meant to be my big debut" she wailed.

I motioned for the maid to put the television on in the background and immediately wished I hadn't.

"An anonymous source sent through this video of Charlotte Deluca having what one could only describe as a temper tantrum at none other than her own engagement party. That's right, you heard it here first folks. I'm about to play the video, let's see what you make of the heiress who spotted a ring on an innocent woman's finger and decided she had to have it, and the reaction she showed when she was rightly told no. Rumors are that the ring itself is a family heirloom that Grayson, her brother, gifted to Flair, his new wife, causing a rift in the Deluca family. We can only speculate as to what Charlotte's fiancee, Johnathon Rourke, thinks of his fiancee's behavior in this telling video."

s**t. The grandfather's face turned mutinous as we glanced up towards the television screen and even Charlotte's mother was gaping. It was video footage of Charlotte as she insulted Flair and demanded the ring last night. It didn't look good by all accounts. I swallowed hard. Charlotte looked pale and ready to be sick.

"Well Charlotte," John said sarcastically as he glanced at his granddaughter who was sweating profusely now "you were worried about not being published in the paper, but look at this" he thundered, motioning towards the screen as we watched Charlotte viciously trying to pull at Flair's arm "you're all over television for everybody to see."

"I didn't think anybody would tape it" Charlotte whimpered, as I glanced at her with condemnation "I had everybody's phone checked before they left" she sniffled.

"I've told you before that your temper gets the best of you and that you act so entitled," her grandfather said furiously "it was my decision to give Grayson that ring for his wife and you had no right to try and demand it back" he snarled.

Charlotte cowered slightly in the chair. "You knew he was getting married" she blurted out and her grandfather rolled his eyes.

"Yes I knew, what business is that of yours," he said imperiously.

Charlotte flattened her lips in anger. Karen was quiet, aware of her father-in-law's anger and the wrath he was close to letting loose.

"Perhaps we should make a statement apologizing" I broke in hastily "It might improve Charlotte's reputation before it becomes too damaged" I suggested.noveldrama

John snorted "The damage has already been done. She comes across as nothing more than a spoilt brat," he said icily. I sighed. "Well is there anything you would suggest John?"

I was attempting to be conciliatory for Charlotte's sake. The grandfather looked disappointed at his granddaughter. "Are you pregnant?" he demanded frostily, and Charlotte and I gaped at him.

"What, no" she stammered as the grandfather's eyes narrowed and he looked at her calculatingly "I know the conditions for getting the company."

"Be certain" John snapped and Charlotte glared at him.

"I'm not pregnant you stupid old man" she yelled.

"Charlotte have some respect" Karen broke in, finally discovering her voice and admonishing her daughter.

"Well thank goodness for small mercies" John drawled, sipping his coffee "The only thing that can be done in order to counteract this scandal, one of many I might add," he said narrowing his eyes at Charlotte who bit her lip "is to organize the wedding as soon as possible and give the media something new to talk about."

Oh god no. No, no, no. I thought I was going to have much more time than this. I opened my mouth to protest, but one scathing glance from Charlotte had the words die in my throat.

"I think that's a marvelous idea," Karen said approvingly.

Charlotte perked up "At least I'll still get to have a fancy one," she said bitingly "unlike Grayson who evidently just did it at the courthouse."

"Charlotte Deluca" her grandfather thundered, causing us all to jump, startled out of our wits "A wedding at the courthouse is not something to tease someone about. It's not the wedding itself that makes the marriage" he scolded her, his tone cutting and vicious "but the people themselves committing to one another." "You don't have to bite my head off" Charlotte groused, folding her arms across her chest and flipping her hair over her shoulder, a sulkly expression on her face.

The old man looked as though he was about to keel over from apoplexy. He looked so angry, I was worried he was going to have a heart attack. "John, she doesn't mean any offense" Karen jumped in smoothly "You know how children are these days."

He harrumphed "I suggest you help your daughter plan this wedding. Johnathon" he eyed me carefully and I kept a neutral expression on my face "Although that apology was a bad idea, you at least tried. I admire that," he said gravely "and I hope that you will be somewhat of a good influence on my granddaughter and her spoilt rotten ways. I will give you one piece of advice, get your affairs in order before the wedding, otherwise, it will be far too late to do anything afterward." Was the old man suggesting a prenup so that Charlotte couldn't get her hands on my law firm? Or was he worried about me putting my hands on hers? Charlotte evidently knew what he was thinking "We don't need a prenup Grandfather, we're in love. I would never take anything off of Johnathon and he would never do anything to hurt me. We're in this for life, aren't we honey?" she cooed at me.

I swallowed hard. Somehow the notion of my law firm being taken from me didn't sit well. But Charlotte loved me, didn't she? If I were advising a client in this exact same position, I would be advising them to do a prenup. But the idea of trying to get Charlotte to sign one made me fearful of her reaction. I couldn't start another law firm from scratch. As it was I still hadn't paid out the original investor and the law firm was worth a hefty sum of money now.

"Well it's your decision, even if it's a stupid one," the grandfather said wryly, shaking his head at us both "The folly of youth" he muttered.

"Two weeks" he muttered "You will have two weeks to get the wedding up and running. I suggest you cut out all the luxuries and go for simple and elegant" he added, spearing me and Charlotte with a look "Otherwise you can use the courthouse." Charlotte looked furious at the suggestion, but the grandfather shot her a look while motioning for the television to be turned off. He got to his feet and then shuffled out of the dining room while Charlotte looked at her mother hopelessly. "Don't worry honey" Karen said soothingly as Charlotte flung herself into her mother's arms, like a helpless child "I can help get you started. I love weddings" she gushed.

I pushed my plate away, no longer feeling hungry. Most of the food sat there, while my stomach churned, feeling like there was a leaden weight inside of it.

"I need to get to work," I said stiffly as Charlotte looked at me bewildered "I have important work to do. I'll be home late" I added, "So don't wait up for me."

"Johnathon," Charlotte protested. "You can't just abandon me like this; the press will be waiting for you," she pointed out. "I'll deal with them," I told her automatically "but I need to work Charlotte."

If only to get away from this madhouse for a little while. Karen nodded in agreement and I got up woodenly, grabbing my briefcase and wallet. I sensed the grandfather's eyes on me as I began to head towards the front door, my steps stiff and indecisive. I made it to the car, but instead of directing it to the office, I directed it to go somewhere else entirely, needing to drown my sorrows and all my worries at the bottom of a beer glass in the nearest pub.

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