The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

Chapter 67

Grayson POV

Needless to say, I had not anticipated bringing home a giant German Shepherd but Flair had fallen in love with the mutt at first sight, and I was loathe to refuse her, especially when we were told the animal hadn't taken to anybody else in the rescue. If you are not reading this novel on Jobni, some sentences are incomplete. He behaved himself in the limo as we made a quick pitstop to pick up food and all the little things he needed such as pet bowls, a new collar, and some toys, before heading home, the driver a little taken aback by the new passenger but taking Roscoe in his stride. The look on Flair's face as she patted the animal and hugged him, made it all worthwhile. She was so happy, that her smile brought me instant joy just to look at her.

We reached the house and let him inside. The dog remained firmly by Flair's side as she entered the kitchen. "He's probably hungry" she murmured as our driver brought in everything we had purchased.

"I'll get his food and bowl, you get water," I said shrugging.

Within moments Rocoe was chowing down his food and wagging his tail.

Flair frowned "I think it's going to be too late to cook what I had originally planned" she sighed looking at the clock.

I grinned "I already organized dinner while you were in the shop."

The knock on the door excited Roscoe who began to bark while Flair took hold of his collar so he wouldn't rush the poor delivery person at the door. I chuckled and quickly took the delivery, thanking the person and hoisting the food inside. Flair's eyes widened and she sniffed, moaning out loud as my groin reacted in response.

"God that smells good," she said as I placed the food on the coffee table.

I dug through and grabbed her vegan enchiladas handing them to her. "Vegan and I've been assured delicious," I told her as she smiled and grabbed cutlery.

I grabbed my own meat ones and cutlery and we settled back against the couches, while Roscoe came stalking in, sitting in front of Flair with wide eyes and a pleading look.

"So how was your day today?" I asked my wife, putting her feet on my lap and eating while ignoring the whines of the new dog who was sniffing the air.

Flair smiled "I got a lot of work done today. Rachel and I drew up some new designs to send to a third party who will make them and send them on to boutiques. Miss F and Rair are our main money makers and deliver huge profits but I also have another range which sells eco-conscious yoga mats and yoga clothing in specialized boutiques as well."

"That sounds interesting. Do you like the work?"

"I tweak the designs, sometimes I have good ideas, but Rachel is the one who is the main drive behind them. She's so talented" Flair said with a passion "She has this ability to bring forward a design from nothing and she's consistent with the clothing range. I would be lost without her."

"How did you get started with your business in the first place?"

"Well we went to college but I never went on to do more with my degree. Johnathon insisted we get married and I dropped any thoughts of continuing with my studies" she said ashamedly "But marriage to Johnathon was not exactly as exciting as I dreamed it would be. I'm not saying it was awful" she rushed to say "but it wasn't fulfilling, so Rachel came up with the idea of beginning our own business, but without using our real names so it couldn't be tracked back to us. Johnathon had no clue I was a Grant, I'd used my mother's maiden name at College and I hadn't told him the truth so I figured why not and it just went from there."

"It's impressive," I told her honestly "Most businesses have a tendency to fail in the first year unless you're tenacious and put the hard work in."

"We worked hard and I spent every waking minute I could, without Johnathon's knowledge. I came up with the name Miss F, but Rachel was the one who came up with the name Rair, a play on both our names" she laughed.

She eyed me "How was your day?" she asked, Roscoe subtly moving closer, his head on the couch now as he licked his lips and Flair absently rubbed his head.noveldrama

"The usual, paperwork, organizing meetings with clients, organizing retractions from certain newspapers. Did you know that there's speculation you're pregnant already?" I said amused.

"Oh so you saw the papers too" Flair giggled as I finished my food and put the empty container back on the coffee table, causing Roscoe to glare at me in disappointment "I thought the picture was nice," she said innocently, causing me to chuckle.

I began to take her shoes off and massage her feet as she continued to slowly chew her food, her eyes closing in appreciation, Roscoe nudging her hand in an attempt to emotionally blackmail her into sharing.

"I did," I said with a grin "I fear that Charlotte must be a little annoyed with us both."

"We didn't do it on purpose, but at least the video wasn't leaked" she murmured "I made sure that Knox deleted it."

"Are you talking about that video of Charlotte having a temper tantrum about the ring?" I asked casually as her eyes flew open "Because that's been on the television" I advised her, causing her mouth to gape wide open "You haven't seen it?"

"No" she gasped, "I thought they checked everyone's phone before they left? Oh my god, Knox" she snapped, swinging her feet off of me and grabbing her phone from her bag.

I watched her put her mostly eaten food on the table and saw Roscoe sneakily grab the last bit and devour it, while she angrily hit the dial button on her cell phone.

"Yo babycakes what's up" she'd put it on speaker phone and Knox's voice was mischievous.

"Don't you babycakes me" Flair snapped "I told you to delete that video" she said angrily "How could you give it to the media?"

"Well to be fair," Knox said calmly, as I listened, trying to fight back my laughter, "you asked me to delete a video. You didn't ask if I had anymore."

"Didn't they check your phone before you left?"

"Flair" he sighed sounding a little disappointed "I'm a whiz with technology and encryption. As is lan. If we wanted to hide a video or one we had sent, we could have. I stuck to your rules. I deleted the video I took but I hacked into the security system and got a better one from there which then got sent anonymously, I might add, to the media."

"Oh god Knox" Flair groaned as I chuckled "Why would you do that? You've embarrassed Charlotte on national television."

"I don't like her you know that," he said nonchalantly "and I figured I would kill two birds with one stone. By embarrassing her to an extent I've embarrassed your bastard of an ex-husband as well."

He was unapologetic. I admired him. Flair looked like she wanted to strangle him, but also looked as though she was on the verge of laughter.

"Does father know what you've done?" she demanded.

"Nope. Only lan and he's only upset that I got to do it first" Knox said breezily "You're welcome by the way sis."

She choked. My shoulders heaved with laughter. "Oh and speaking of husbands. Your new one" he began and I fell silent, curious to see what he was going to say, while Flair desperately looked for the button to take it off speaker but didn't find it in time "Grayson is a good match for you. Not stuck up and pretentious like a lot of other wealthy people. He might have a b***h for a sister, but that can't be helped. I approve and so does lan who knows Grayson much better than I do. You could have done a lot worse for a second husband" he told his sister blandly "I give you my blessing" he added magnanimously.

"I didn't ask you for it," she said with a strangled noise, but Knox had already hung up, leaving her there holding a phone with a beeping tone.

Roscoe nudged her and she patted his head while I burst into laughter.

"Your brother is something," I said approvingly.

She frowned "He is but he shouldn't have sent that tape" she muttered, "if Charlotte ever finds out who did."

"She won't. Besides, do you think she's going to go after a Grant? Please" I snorted "that video wouldn't even exist if she hadn't chucked such a tantrum in the first place. Stop feeling sorry for her" I added, as she sighed and rubbed her forehead. "Where are we going to put Roscoe to sleep" I added, glancing down at the dog, who was staring pitifully at Flair, before he moved and jumped onto the sofa, resting his head on Flair's legs and whimpering.

Flair looked at me as though I was a brainless fool. "On our bed," she said simply and I shook my head.

"No, no, no," I said reluctantly "I am not sharing a bed with this heifer. What happens when we want to be intimate" I pointed out, causing her to blush "Do you really want him watching us?"

She bit her lip "But Grayson" she said, pleadingly, causing my heart to skip a beat as she fluttered her eyelashes at me, her eyes doe-like and innocent "he's a rescue. He needs to be loved and feel secure. It's his first night in a real home. How can you even think of making him sleep away from us? He'll be scared" she argued as I began to put the empty food containers in the bin, standing up with Roscoe following "surely we can just have him on the bed for one night" she said.

I shook my head and then sighed, looking at the dog who was staring at me, along with Flair. Damn. I was turning into a softie. "One night," I said, determined to set a boundary with them "Flair but after that, he sleeps in his bed on our floor or in a separate room" I proposed satisfied that I had made my point. Naturally, things did not work out that way and Roscoe became a permanent fixture on our bed, regardless of what I had intended.

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