The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

Chapter 76



Timothy came back from lunch with a big smile on his face, even as he eyed me warily, putting his coat and wallet down. "Nice lunch?" I enquired smoothly. "It was fantastic," he said "Sir about Rachel, she didn't mean to..."

"She meant exactly what she said" my voice was sharp but not angry "and I cannot blame her for wanting to protect her friend" I added a little softer, causing Timothy to look relieved "in fact she did me a favor by forcing me to acknowledge the feelings I have for my wife. I love her Timothy" I admitted, my assistant gaping at me "something I never thought would happen."

"Well that's fantastic," he said with a stunned expression "when are you going to tell her?" he asked.noveldrama

I frowned "I don't know. I haven't exactly ever said the words to any woman before. I don't want to just blurt them out" I muttered, tapping a pencil on the desk as Timothy casually opened his own laptop and began to type away "I mean a woman expects it to be some sort of grand declaration don't they?" I added with a sidelong glance at my assistant.

"Not always, sometimes just saying the words is enough," he said nonchalantly "I gather that with your wife, pardon me for saying it, but your wife is not the type to want over-the-top romantic gestures. It's the small and simple things that have the most effect on her."

He was right. We spent the next few hours in comfortable silence, getting as much work as we could do. I pushed my chair back and coughed. "I'm going home now Timothy, you should too" I advised him with a grin, putting together my briefcase and grabbing my wallet.

"It's not yet 5 pm sir" Timothy argued, glancing at the clock "I'm meant to work until then."

"Go home early," I said dismissively "That's an order, not a request."

He shrugged, hardly about to argue, and began to gather his things. Besides it was only half an hour. We walked out to my car and I waved goodbye as I climbed in.

I was impatient to get back to my wife. A smile curved on my lips. I wondered what her day had been like. What she might have done. I hoped she was home to greet me. I wanted to kiss her on the lips and talk to her. I wanted to hold her in my arms and feel the warmth of her body against my own. I was filled with anticipation as the limousine pulled up to the top of the driveway and I almost sprinted to the front door, unlocking it eagerly and walking inside.

Immediately I saw Flair's body on the couch, curled up, and I headed towards her.

"How was your..." I began when I noticed how stiff she was and how angry her eyes were.

Something was wrong. I felt a chill. "Flair, what's wrong, what is it?" I asked sharply as she avoided my eyes.

I put my briefcase down and strode towards her. I felt a terrible sense of foreboding. There was such anger in her eyes, that it made me flinch. Her voice when she spoke was dripping with venom "Why don't you explain these to me."

I was confused. She slowly unfurled herself and reached forward, grabbing something off the coffee table and silently handing it to me. I glanced down and stiffened.

Photographs. Of me with some mystery woman, our lips kissing, her bare breasts bared as her dress is pulled down to her waist. How can Flair think these are real? I look and see the dates, my eyes widening. This man is not me. This photo is not of me. I can't explain how they look so realistic, but I know one thing. I have never, touched or looked at another woman since I have married Flair. I have not felt the inclination to nor wanted to. We were exclusive, not just because of the contract, but if I was honest with myself because no other woman compared to how beautiful I found my wife.

"This isn't me" my voice was hoarse as I looked at my wife, her eyes now shimmering with unshed tears and a look of hurt on her face that wanted to make me reach out and hold her tight.

"It looks like you" Flair's voice is barely above a whisper.

She's hugging herself tight and it pains me to see her looking so devastated. My throat tightens. "Flair, I would never..."

She interrupts "Johnathon claimed the same thing" shocking me into silence.

Did she just compare me to her ex-husband? That bastard? Surely by now, she knew me? Knew I would never sink as low as Johnathon had. That my morals were different, my values far greater than his.

"I am not Johnathon" Despite myself, my voice is a roar that causes her to flinch away from me. "I have not cheated" I insist, holding the photographs as if I were holding a live snake "Where did you get these from?"

Her eyes slid away from me "They were in an envelope attached to the front door when I got home" she said quietly "I don't know who put it there."

"You don't find that even remotely suspicious?" I demanded heatedly "That it just happened to be put there for you to find while you were out?"

She finally decided to look at me "Then how do you explain that it's you in the photos?" she accused.

"Flair, I don't know how they look so realistic, but that's not me," I said pointing at the man "I have not looked at another woman since the day we got married."

"I want to trust you but..." she whispered, patting Roscoe who had moved protectively closer to her.

"Your bastard of an ex-husband has put doubts in your head" I exhaled, putting a hand to my forehead in frustration.

I slammed the photos down on the coffee table, causing Flair to jump slightly, I was so enraged that she doubted me. This was not how I had planned coming home to confront her and the opportunity to tell her how I felt had been lost. I couldn't believe what she was accusing me of. "We'll get the photos tested," I said grimly as Flair stood there, her body trembling "I'll get somebody to take a close look at these photos and determine if they have been doctored somehow. Then you'll see I'm not capable of something like this. It hurts that you think I would do this without giving me the benefit of the doubt" I added, looking right at her.

A tear trailed down her cheek. "I want to believe you" she whispered "so badly but..."

"I am your husband," I said, my voice cutting "the man that you pledged to share your life with."

"May I remind you that it's a contract marriage" she said angrily, on the defensive now "that you planned on divorcing once you receive your precious heir?"

Is that what she still thought? I took deep breaths "Flair I"

"Well you don't have to worry about that at the moment," she said, tears beginning to spill down her cheeks as I stared at her in shock "I found out this morning that I'm not pregnant so I guess it means we have to keep trying for another month at least. I'm sorry for not keeping up to my bit of the bargain," she said hiccuping and sobbing.

Oh gods. I was at a loss. No wonder she was so emotional. Had she been hoping she was pregnant only to have that ripped away from her today on top of everything else? I softened my voice "Flair, honey that doesn't..."

"Spare me" she sobbed "I'm going to bed, You can sleep in a spare room" she added, whirling around and heading up the stairs while my jaw fell open, Roscoe following right behind her "I can't stand to look at you right now," she said tearfully.

It felt like a dagger had been stabbed right into my heart as I watched my wife run crying up the stairs, the dog following right behind her. I had never seen her lose her composure like that before. My hand grabbed and then tightened on the offending photographs and I swore out loud. "f**k" I cursed.

Who could have been so vindictive as to leave these photographs for Flair to find and what was the motive? I had a lot of enemies being a defense lawyer but my mind initially flashed to Charlotte. It would benefit her if Flair and I broke up as well. But without proof, I couldn't go around accusing her.

I needed somebody who had the knowledge and the know-how to look into this for me and to determine whether these photographs were fakes. I sighed and then a thought struck me. I knew somebody who was a whiz with technology, but it was one hell of a risk calling them. Especially given their relationship with Flair. But if I was going to prove that I wasn't the cheater Flair thought I was, I would have no choice but to enlist their help. I wanted to prove that I had nothing to hide. That I was as trustworthy as I said I was. This man would do anything in his power to protect Flair, so it would be in his interest to look at these photographs as well and even try to determine who had left them here for her to find.

I grabbed my cell phone and grimly began to dial, It rang and rang and I felt my mouth going dry as the call went unanswered. s**t. I could go to someone else but I had been impressed with his technological know-how. I was about to hang up when the call was finally answered and I heaved a big sigh of relief that was bound to be short-lived.

"Yo brother-in-law, what's up? Wanna go grab a drink with me?"

"Actually I could use a drink right now Knox," I said tightly, looking at the photographs "and I need your help with something in relation to your sister. I'll explain later. Meet me here" I gave him directions to the pub and hung up.

Now all I needed to do was convince Knox I hadn't cheated on his sister. I clenched my jaw and began to pray as I left the house. If this didn't work, I would be a dead man.

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