The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

Chapter 82

Flair POV

"Rachel," I said surprised, opening the door wider and welcoming her in "I was going to call you and see how you were going. This is a pleasant surprise" I added, as she walked in and confidently put her bag down, removing her sunglasses and peering at me closely. "Is something wrong?" I asked as she continued to observe me. "You tell me," she said cryptically "Grayson make any declarations lately?" she asked.

I was confused "Declarations?" I asked, following her into the kitchen where she proceeded to start the coffee maker and grab two mugs "What sort of declarations?"

"Hmmm," she murmured "I guess not. What a shame," she said filling the mugs and then grabbing milk from the fridge to put in both.

"Would you tell me what you are on about?" I asked and she laughed, putting the milk away and handing me a mug, both of us heading back into the living room and curling up on the couch.

"I'm not about to ruin the surprise" she murmured, sipping the coffee and making a look of satisfaction.

I frowned at her. "Fine," I said grumpily "why don't you tell me what's going on with you and Timothy?" I asked eagerly. She looked down at her coffee cup "It's going well" she said hesitantly "Maybe too well."

I sipped my coffee "Rachel he's a really nice guy, why are you so hesitant when it comes to dating him? Has he done something to make you feel uncomfortable?"

"No that's just it," she said looking at me wide-eyed "he's practically perfect Flair. I've dated before, you know I have, but the men generally treat me well for the first few dates and then drop the nice guy facade but Timothy is just a nice guy. It scares me" she muttered, glancing away "I'm not used to being treated so respectfully and I don't know what to do" she blurted out.

I raised a brow. It was unlike Rachel to sound so worried and so panicked. I put my coffee mug down on the table. "Rachel, what is going on?"

She took a deep breath "He asked me to move in with him" she said as I looked at her stunned "I know it's really soon in the relationship, but it feels like we've known each other forever. Part of me really wants to say yes...." she trailed off and then glanced at me biting her lip "but another part of me is afraid to."

I knew my friend. She was relatively fearless and bold when it came down to it, but this was a new side of her. She was showing a vulnerability that was unlike her.

"You're afraid to take the next step," I said surprised "This is the first time you've ever considered moving in with any man before."

"Yes," she said slowly "and I'm afraid."

"Why?" I prodded "What makes it frightening to you?"

She looked guiltily at me "Giving away the apartment. What if things don't work out? What if Timothy isn't a good guy and I need to get out? I won't have anywhere to go" she blurted out "My family is gone, Flair. My parents are dead. I don't have a support network." I was silent. I remembered when she got the news of her parent's death, the utter grief, and devastation she had gone through, the pain she had experienced. It had taken almost a year to convince her to come out of her room and begin to live again. Her eyes were shining now and she looked close to tears.

"So don't give the apartment up, at least not yet," I told her softly "Rent it out short term so that you have a backup place. If Timothy loves you, like I suspect he does, he'll understand where you are coming from. As for a support network, you have me, Rachel. Do you really think I would see you living on the streets? Not to mention we both have money to buy a house if we need to" I reminded her as she gave a soft laugh, looking ashamed.

"I know, but that apartment was the first one we bought together and I just can't picture giving it up" she whispered, "it's like a security blanket for me."

I hugged her "Eventually we have to let go of our security blankets," I told her softly "but I'm happy for you. Timothy is a good man. I've never seen you this happy before Rachel. It might seem early, but if you two think you are ready, then do it. I want you to be happy."

She gave a tremulous smile and lifted the coffee cup to her lips while I grabbed mine and took a sip of the now lukewarm liquid. "What about you?" she asked peering at me "How are things going between Grayson and you?"

I sighed "It's going as well as can be expected I guess. I'm not pregnant, so there's the disappointment from that" I said as she gave me a sympathetic look "and I'm aware of the contractual obligations. But it's more than that" I looked at her helplessly "I think I've fallen for him, Rachel."

She nodded "I know you have. The way you look at him, you never looked at Johnathon the same way," she said surprising me "And Grayson looks at you the same way" she added quietly.

"He just needs the contract fulfilled nothing else. He needs to get his hands on the company" I said a little bitterly "I can't afford to admit my feelings to him. It will just make things more complicated than they already are."

"Maybe it will make things easier," Rachel said thoughtfully but I shook my head in resignation.

I told her what Charlotte had done, reasonably certain it was her and Rachel's eyes were blazing with fury by the time I was finished.

"That little snake" she hissed "I've half a mind to give her an uppercut next time I see her" she vowed.

I laughed "Grayson took care of it. But it did cause a little conflict between the two of us. I thought the worst about him, so you can see why we're both a little hesitant with each other at the moment."

She sighed. "You know what you need" she suggested wrily "You need a romantic date night, just the two of you or to go away somewhere. Haven't you always wanted to go to that small cottage near the woods, that has hiking trails, cliffs, and so forth?"

"I can't see Grayson getting the time away" I admitted "he's got a busy schedule and" I paused and then leaned in conspiritionally "he's gotten even more clients since some of them have abandoned ship with Johnathon and joined Grayson's firm instead." Rachel snorted "Then they have good sense. Speaking of which?" her face turned serious now "Are you still investing in his law firm?"

I sighed. "Yes, but I don't know what to do. If I pull out and he can't afford to buy me out, then I own half the law firm." Rachel giggled "So? At this rate, his law firm is going to tank if his clients are already beginning to abandon ship. Besides if he's married Charlotte, then he can afford to buy you out" she pointed wisely.

"True" I allowed "but it's not as though I need the money."

"So use it for one of your pet projects" Rachel suggested with a wink "You were talking about that animal haven" she paused and looked at Roscoe sleeping soundly on the armchair nearby "and how you were going to fundraise for it. If you don't need the money then why not gift it to them as a generous donation? I'm sure they could find something useful to do with the money and you'll know that you've donated to a worthy cause."

I closed my eyes "I'm thinking of putting a new manager in the yoga studio" I also told her "I haven't had much time to put into the classes."

"Same here, I'll organize it," Rachel said nodding "but think about what I said. Johnathon shouldn't get to benefit from your money anymore. Not since you're no longer married. What you did was incredibly generous to him, but he never fully appreciated the sacrifices you made for him. The bastard still doesn't know does he?" she asked.

"No" I confirmed "He still thinks it's a foreign investor."

"Moron" muttered Rachel "too lazy to chase the money trail."

"To be fair I may have asked Knox to encrypt and hide the money so it couldn't be traced back to me" I admitted lowly.

Rachel looked at me "I bet that cost you."

"He did it for free, which was even more frightening" I frowned.

"Damn. He must have felt really bad about you guys being on the outs with each other" she drawled enviously.

I shook my finger at her "Stop distracting me, you are moving in with Timothy."

"Fine" she huffed glaring at me "Miss bossyboots. But you are going to withdraw your investment from Johnathon's law firm" she threatened just as the front door opened and footsteps sounded.

"What was that?" Grayson asked, narrowing his eyes as Rachel scrambled to her feet.

"Oh Grayson you're home early," I said dismayed, glancing at the clock and glaring at Rachel who looked smug "I wasn't expecting you back so soon" I finished lamely.noveldrama

"Never mind that" he growled, while also nodding to Rachel "Good to see you again Rachel" he added, before fixing his eyes back on me "but what was that you just said about being an investor with your ex-husband's law firm?"

s**t. I glanced at Rachel pleadingly, but she was already waving goodbye and gathering up her stuff "We can talk another time" she sang as I glowered at her "Good luck Flair, I think you're going to need it. Bye Grayson" she added, hastily shutting the front door, leaving me and my husband staring at each other as I struggled to find the right words to say. This was not going to go over well, I thought studying the slightly angry expression on his face.

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