The Hidden Princess At All-Boys Alpha Academy

Chapter 0744

The room is quiet when I get back in the morning, dressed again in Cadet black with Rafe's cap on my head. I look around and frown as Jesse and Rafe escort me in, doggedly close to my heels and my side. Very sweet in thought. Very annoying in practicality.

"Where's Jacks?" I ask, turning towards them when I realize that he's not here, as I assumed he would be. "He went to class, Ari," Rafe says, quietly shutting the door and watching me carefully.

"Well, why aren't you in class?" I ask, putting my hands on my waist and glaring at my brother and my cousin.

"Because we're not letting you out of our sight ever again, you idiot," Jesse says, cheerful, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and leading me over to the couch where very gently forces me to sit down and then spreads a blanket over my lap. I scowl at him and his over-protective Alpha bullshit.

But then my fears catch up with me as Rafe crosses to his chair and sighs, plopping down into it. "But..." I bite my lip, looking between them as Jesse sits too. " letting me out of his sight?" "It's not like that, Ariel," Rafe says, sighing and resting his head against his fingertips. "We didn't know what you wanted - if you wanted to see him immediately. We still don't know how you're feeling or where your heart is. What you're ready for."

"Oh, but you rashly assumed I was ready for you?" I say, glaring a little.

"She's healed!" Jesse says, grinning and casting a hand out in my direction. "Look at that! Saucy and cruel, just how we like her!"

"We did what we thought was right, Ariel," Rafe says, ignoring Jesse and concentrating on frowning at me. "He'll come later. If you want him to. He's...been having a really hard time. Let's all just take it easy, okay? One step at a time."

"Okay," I sigh, looking down at my hands pressed tight against my blanket.

"Are you hungry?" Rafe asks.


"Are you going to fight us when we try to force food down your throat?" Jesse asks this time.

I sigh and look up at them. "Is it going to be healthy?"

"No," Rafe murmurs, a small smile coming to his lips

"Then no."noveldrama

Jesse grins as he gets up to walk to the dumbwaiter and order something up. I take the moment to look Rafe seriously in the eye, knowing he won't lie.

"Does Jackson hate me?" The question is barely a whisper.

"Ariel," Rafe says, leaning forward and holding my gaze. "I promise you - he loves you very, very much. Just...let him take his time with it too, okay? It's hard."

I nod and look back down with my hands. Then I sigh and stand, moving for the nook. "I think I'm going to take a nap."

Rafe watches me go, worried.

I turn towards him. "Will you wake me? If Jackson comes?"

He nods.

I smile softly at my brother and then climb into my bed, shutting the curtain after me.

Even as I cuddle into my pillows I hear Rafe's worried sigh.

And I smile a little, glad to have a brother who worries about me. Even if he does go a little overboard with those's good to feel loved.

I close my eyes on a sigh of my own, praying desperately that Jackson will be here when I wake up.

I bolt straight up in bed a few hours later, instantly aware that he's near.

My wolf is on her feet, her nails scratching at my soul, howling for Jackson's wolf.

And even though he's trying so hard to be cool and calm, I can feel Jackson's wolf anxiously shifting from foot to foot, turning towards Jacks, begging for permission to run to her. But he's - he's being held back -

I drag in a shaky breath and scuttle off my bed, ripping open the curtain and staring around my room, frantic.

"Whoa," Jesse says, freezing and staring at me from his chair. "Bad dream?"

"What's wrong?" Rafe asks, jumping to his feet.

"Where is he?" I ask, desperate, looking all around.

But god - fuck - he's not there.

"Who?" Rafe barks out.

"Jacks!" I bark back, storming around the room like I'm going to find him somewhere - even though - god, where could he hide? - he's gigantic -

"Ari!" Jesse says, starting to get freaked out. "What are you -"

But then I turn, hearing something shift at the door. I sniff deeply and suddenly know precisely where he


Ignoring my brother and my cousin, I stride towards the door and yank it open.

Jackson sprawls backwards into the room and gasps as his head smacks the floor. Ljust gape down at him while he looks sheepishly up at me, moving a hand to cradle the back of his head where I can feel pain can feet it radiating down our band.

And even though it's pain I feel coming through a little sob breaks from my throat - because it's there, our bond, shining and true and

strong. And I can feel him all along it - every bit of my Jacks, still the


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