The Twin Alphas Warrior Luna (RYN)

Chapter 234



During our lunch date with El, we decided undergoing the procedure to regain our memories back would help make our reunion become much smoother.

According to El, the whole process shouldn’t take more than half an hour, which was enough time to get back home in time for Ryn’s arrival from her dinner date with her uncle.

Even though Theon suggested we undergo the procedure together. El insisted on doing hers separately. noveldrama

So after Ryn left for her date, we followed the directions El gave us and went to the Institute of Science and Research, located some miles from our residence.

Getting there, we were introduced to a group of doctors who explained how the procedure would go.

Theon and I were to strip down to our boxers and after that, we would be injected with something, strapped down to an iron bed and submerged underwater.

“For how long?” I asked the lead doctor, a tall, thin man with glasses.

“Unfortunately, until you drown.” He said somberly. “You both need to be in a near–death state for the procedure to work.”

Theon and I shared a glance. “What’s the success rate of this?Theon asked and the doctor smiled eerily.”

“Don’t worry. We won’t let you both die.”

I reached out to my brother through our bond. “You up for this? I’m not too sure.”

Theon shoved his hands in his pockets. “I trust Dominic and I’d do whatever it takes to remember. You down?”

I sighed, placing my hands on my waist. I want to know what it feels like to have experienced Ryn in the past, and I need to know what happened between the last time she saw me and the time we met again.

“I’m down.” I replied and together we said yes to the doctors.

In twenty minutes, we were stripped, injected, and strapped down to an iron bed and when the machine began to lower us into a pool, my heart raced at the thought of drowning.

“Relax. We’ll be fine.” Theon mindlinked, and I kept Ryn’s pretty face in front of my mind as I took my last breath.

I consider myself a very good swimmer and considering the military training I have undergone in the past, I wasn’t surprised that Theon and I could hold our breaths for ten minutes.

After that, the urge to inhale became overwhelming, and it got to a point where all my breath rushed out of me in a volcanic eruption.

I struggled against the holds, but they were tight and firm. I turned my head to the side to see Theon struggling as well. His hair floated above him in a cloud and, as if on cue, his head turned my way.

“Inhale.” He prompted in my mind and it seemed too hard, but I listened and gave in to the urge.

My head jerked forward with the inability to take in oxygen. My nostrils burned and my body jerked violently. Then it stilled as darkness encroached on my vision and I began to lose consciousness.

09:31 Mon, 10 Mar C


For a moment, all I saw was darkness, then I heard distant voices and somehow all I could see was a lone door in the midst of darkness. Curious, I approached it and with my door on the knob, I opened it.

Instantly, I shielded my eyes from the bright white light on the other side, but as the voices became louder, I felt drawn to take a step in. So, I did.

That’s when everything came flooding back. The abusive relationship I had with my father, how Theon had protected me and taken most of the punishment so I could escape our father. I remembered my mother, the promise we made to be brothers first. I remembered Eleanora and how we were both kidnapped.

I remembered how I coped with grief and turned to sex and alcohol. I remembered how I used many girls and broke their hearts because I couldn’t be committed to them. I remembered Ryn and how I thought she was the most beautiful creature to ever walk into the office and how I didn’t want her to join the Elite force because I thought she wouldn’t be able to handle

  1. it.

I remembered how obsessed I was with her and how I convinced myself that I wasn’t jealous when she started getting closer to Theon. I remembered watching over her as she slept every night. I remembered sitting outside her hostel, pouring drink after drink while staring up at her lit window until she turned it off.

I remembered our first kiss. I remembered tattooing her face on my arm. I remember leaving her that night and my father abducting me.

Then I remembered being operated on and my body jerked again in the water. I remembered my scalp cut open and I remember machine needles poking around in my head. The pain had been excruciating. The doctors had been unremorseful and my father had been unrelenting in his pursuit to wipe my memories and make me a mindless soldier.

Then something struck me as I remembered something that had me opening my eyes in the water. Pure rage seeped into every atom of my body, rushing like an adrenaline pump. I yanked my right arm up, and the straps used to hold me down snapped off.

I did the same for the left and my legs and then I swam to the surface and the moment I inhaled oxygen, my body wracked with a violent fit of cough. My throat burned as I heaved myself up over the pool’s edge. There I found Theon, already wrapped in a towel, his face contorted in rage. The doctors looked at me appalled and whispered amongst themselves.

“This has never happened before.‘

I crossed the room towards them, my chest heaving up and down, as my lungs fought for more oxygen. “I need to speak to your Alpha. Now!”

Immediately, the lead doctor brought out his phone and called Dominic, then he handed it to me.

“I am in the middle of something, so it better be important!” Dominic snapped.

“I’m glad you place such high value on your date with



There was a pause on the other end.

“Isn’t Ryn with you yet?”

I frowned, my mind beginning to race. “No. She’s not with you?!”

Dominic sighed. “There was an attempted attack on her at the restaurant. I asked El to drive her home, and that was about fifty minutes ago.”

My eyes clashed with Theon, who was already making his way to me.

“We are at the Institute. We went to get our memories back.”

“I know. I thought Ryn knew.”

“No. It was meant to be a surprise”

“Maybe she’s in her room. I’ll have a staff check. In the meantime, what did you want?”

“I remembered something while I was underwater. I hope Adam is still under arrest?

“No? I vetted him this afternoon. Why?”

  1. ii)

My pulse quickened as I curled my hands around the phone. “Adam is a snake! Don’t believe a word he says. He was there! When my memories were being wiped. He was there, working hand in hand with my father. He’s one of them, and having him here is dangerous.”

There was silence on the other end.


“I just mindlinked soldiers to go get him. Be patient!” Another pause. “Dammit!”

“What is it?”

“Ryn is not in her room. No one saw her enter. She must have been bothered by what happened today

Theon suddenly yanked the phone from me. “What happened?”

“Killer took the place of one of the waiters and killed him and his family – a pregnant woman and two kids.”

“Fuck. You should have told us. Ryn’s mental health hasn’t been great. This would push her over the edge! Fuck! We need to find her!”

“On it. Immediately.” Dominic stated. Then another pause. “I think we have another problem.”

“Spill it!” I demanded.

“Adam’s gone, and people say they saw him leave with Ryn.”

I turned and began to walk out of the building.

“Shut down the city.” I heard Theon command. “He must not leave with her!”

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