Chapter 27
The two of us sat catching our breath on the mat, well, I was catching my breath, Bryce had only just finished dry retching from exhaustion. While I hadn’t been able to land many blows in a direct assault, my evasiveness and speed had outmatched him.
“Damn…I’ve known some fast she-wolves…but you?…You’re something else,” he said between heaving breaths.
“How are you not wanting to die right now, seriously?…The only time I feel this exhausted…is when I’ve been training with the Alpha…although I definitely have more bruises after a couple of rounds with him,” he laughed, still taking deep breaths.
“Living as a rogue keeps you fit, I guess?” I said sheepishly, earning a slight pitying look from my trainer.
“Can I be brutally honest, Luna?”
I nodded.
“You can’t punch for s**t, I mean you’re aiming at the right weak spots but you don’t have the strength to do much damage straight on. Don’t get me wrong, it was a struggle dodging you. But I saw what you did in your escape and I heard the accounts from the three patrols, it was definitely because you had the element of surprise and they very much underestimated you. But, for someone who hasn’t had a day of proper training in their lives, you’re pretty spectacular. What we need to work on is strengthening exercises and we’ll go from there. In the meantime, I’ll train you on some moves that utilise your speed more, like we did today.”
“I really appreciate that. Thank you so much for all of this today, Bryce. I know it must’ve put you out…” he cut me off before I could finish.
“It’s all part of the job and seriously, I was honoured the Alpha wanted me to teach you personally. We’ve been without a Luna for so long, it really is a pleasure in helping to keep you safe,” he smiled at me.
I felt my face blush with the conviction of his words. I kept reminding these people I wasn’t their official Luna yet, but none of them seemed to care and were adamant on calling me by my title. I guess it must bring them some comfort in actually having a female leader, a Luna, to balance out Ethan’s hard and stoic brand of leadership. Not that that was who he was truly, but I did feel a rather possessive side to me that wanted to keep my mate’s soft and sensitive side all to myself.
I helped Bryce up and we headed out on our separate ways. I threw Ethan’s coat on, instantly feeling relaxed with his scent wrapped around me. Ok, he may have been right, I did feel warmer in his coat. I didn’t bother getting changed as I felt a little gross and now I was standing I felt incredibly sore. I hope I didn’t have any bruises, I feel like my mate would throw a fit if I did. Bryce had been incredibly careful in our training, making sure that when he aimed a punch he would stop short of making contact in the few times he’d been fast enough.
After punching in the code for our suite I decided a nice bath is just what I needed, it was only 3pm so I should have plenty of time before our date. I already felt giddy with anticipation. I was now glad Janine had talked me into buying a fancy dress, I had almost turned it down, even though I loved it, thinking it would be pointless having it. I’d have to thank her later for her persistence yesterday. But I really should get something to eat first, if Ethan found out I skipped a meal I think he’d blow a gasket. Would it be ridiculous if I ate a sandwich or something in the bath? The idea sounded strangely appealing.
With my sandwich in hand and the tub filled with hot water and wonderful smelling bubbles, I slipped in sighing at how my muscles instantly relaxed. Six hours of training had left my legs feeling a little heavy, but I was used to physical exertion with constantly being on the move. I happily ate up my food, loving being submerged in warmth with a full stomach. I had spent so many days and nights growing used to the freezing temperatures as winter encroached. And hunger was always a constant companion. Conner had tried to show me how to hunt but I never really had his finesse, he was obviously used to hunting while I had barely been on my own in the wilds for a few months. He had been kind enough to give me his last two silver daggers too, he had held onto that huge hunting knife of his; I probably would have done more damage to myself with that thing if I ever used it. I unfortunately had lost both, one in the flank of a deer I had failed to bring down which had run off with it and the other was somewhere embedded in a rogue; I hadn’t hung around afterwards to see if he was dead.
After soaking in the tub for a while, I began to wonder what time Ethan wanted to take me out. He had said ‘dinner’ but never specified a time.
‘Ethan?’ I reached out, I didn’t know where he was though he felt close by somewhere.
‘Hey, sweet. You done with training?’
I hummed in confirmation through mind-link, ‘just having a bath now to get ready for our date. What time are we going by the way? I’m hoping I’m allowed to at least know that little detail?’
‘Sooo…you’re wet and naked right now is what you’re saying?’ I could practically feel his excitement through our bond and I knew for a fact he would be wearing that adorable pink-hue to his cheeks.
‘Yes. But focus, Mr. Alpha. I’m starting to realise you get distracted easily,’ I teased, though I knew I was the only person who could distract him.
‘…7pm,’ I could still feel him struggling, I would give anything to see his expression right now.
With my skin scrubbed clean and hair washed, I got out to wrap myself in a big fluffy robe. I headed out into the bedroom to surprisingly be met with Ethan, sat on the edge of the bed, eyes fixed on the bathroom door. I knew I could feel him close by but I didn’t realise he was this close. He was dressed in a dark silver three piece suit with a black shirt, open at the top…and he wore it incredibly well.
“You have no idea how difficult it was waiting out here for you,” he said with his heated gaze boring into me.
I could feel my skin prickling with anticipation and flushing with his stare, “…I’m not late am I?” I tried to speak with more confidence than I was feeling.
“You got all the time you want, they’ll hold our table.”
He stood to wrap his hands around my h**s, dipping down to give me a slow gentle k**s. I could feel his fingers teasing at the tie to my robe.
I slapped his hands away, honestly this guy!
“If you start that up, we won’t be there till almost midnight. And I know you don’t want to be responsible for making me miss a meal,” I challenged, giving him that look I knew drove him wild.
And my desired reaction from him was instant, I don’t think I could ever tire of that face.
He left me to get ready, but continued to watch me like a hawk as though I may disappear. Once I had dried and side braided my hair, I attempted to apply some light makeup as Janine had shown me. It was definitely not done with the skill she had, but it was passable. I had an idea what underwear I wanted to put on. I had been a little embarrassed getting them…they were not functional in the slightest and were most certainly designed with one goal in mind. With my dress on and zipped at the side, I spun a little in the mirror in the walk-in closet. It looked just as beautiful as it did in the store, a deep red, just off the shoulder, skater dress that flared out from the waist, all in satin, with sleeves that finished at the elbow. It would be cold but I would forgo wearing stockings, my legs seemed to be one of Ethan’s fixations. I decided on a pair of black flats; I wasn’t about to try and navigate heels for the first time in the snow.
Stepping out of the closet to find my mate staring into space, I cleared my throat to signal I was ready; I noticed it was barely 6.30 so we were nowhere near late. His eyes focused on me and widened as he took all of me in, rising and almost stumbling as he did so. If the dress had him tripping over himself, wait till he saw what was under it.
“You look… incredible,” he eyed me, swallowing hard and readjusting his pants.
“Good to know this’ll do for wherever we’re going,” I beamed, glad to know I’d made a decent attempt dressing myself up for the first time.
I walked up to him taking his hand, “come on, are we going?” I nudged, trying to break him out of his stupor.
He flashed me that wonderful smile of his, showing off his dimples and, putting his thick woollen coat over my shoulders, he led me down the stairs and out to his truck.
As he drove I told him about my training, he seemed pretty proud of how I had handled myself against his soon-to-be head trainer. He seemed to be making progress in his work, he was all caught up and would soon be discreetly questioning those he suspected could have sold pack details. It seemed that nothing had been leaked since his security upgrade.
Before long we were pulling up at an incredibly beautiful stone and brick building in the heart of his nearest town, covered in lights and wreaths. Scrawled across it in elegant letters read Lune de l’arbre blanc.
“You’re taking me to a French restaurant? How fancy!” I exclaimed.
The ‘me’ from just a few days ago would have never dreamed of being taken to somewhere like this, especially by our mate. Every day he proved just how wrong I had been about him and how much I never wanted to let him go again.
“My family’s owned this for a while. My grandmother was French and my grandfather built this for her when she became Luna. I thought this would be fitting to bring you here.”
He got out before I could say anything and came round to open my door, holding out his hand for me to take.
“Ok, if I find out now that you actually speak French I might really start swooning,” I laughed.
“Better catch you now then,” he quickly lifted me bridal style, making me squeal in surprise.
“Ethan! Put me down, I’m flashing my underwear!” Or lack thereof.
He put me down gently with a little smirk, handing the keys to the valet awkwardly standing at the side. Oh goddess, I hadn’t even seen him there! And Ethan looked rather smug with himself, taking my hand and leading me inside, while I remained pink faced and slightly embarrassed.
We were led straight to our table, a private round booth near the back, away from the prying eyes of wolf and human pack members alike. The entire interior was a beautiful mix of modern and rustic, it looked as though you had stepped into an opulent french chateau.
“So do you? Speak French at all.”
“Very little, I could probably ask for directions and order from a menu. Ma grand-mère would probably be rolling in her ashes,” he said with a small sheepish smile.
“That’s still enough to be very attractive,” I could already feel between my thighs becoming a little uncomfortable.
“What does the name mean in English?” I asked, trying to distract myself, but I didn’t miss the discreet smirk he wore either.
“White Tree’s Moon…”
We were interrupted by a waiter bringing our menus and pouring us two glasses of water.
“Alpha, Luna can I bring you the wine list?”
I saw the strained expression on Ethan’s face, knowing his past struggles, I certainly wasn’t going to add to any more of his present ones.
“No thank you, the water’s perfect,” he gave me a thankful smile with my words.
The waiter nodded and gave us a few minutes to look over the menu, it was all in French bar the description. I didn’t even know where to begin.
‘Do you want me to suggest something for you?’ He asked discreetly, as though he could read my thoughts.
‘Actually can you just order for me? I have no clue where to even begin. Just no snails!’
I wasn’t fussy in what I ate, but even I had my limits of what I wanted to try.
He snort-laughed at me, almost choking on his water. ‘That’s not even on the menu, sweet.’
The waiter returned to take our order, I vaguely recognised the mention of scallops and prawns, lamb and chocolate soufflé – which I did not need translating.
“Did you ever bring anyone else here?” I asked without thinking. If I could hide right now I would. And my wolf was practically bristling, both at me for being idiotic enough to ask such a question and also at the thought of my mate enjoying another female’s company in this place…possibly at this very table.
His eyes were wide with shock at the unexpected question and I saw his Adam’s apple bob with difficulty.
‘No,’ he took my hand, rubbing soft, soothing circles on the back of it. ‘Maria never wanted to come out to places like this with me, it’s one of those things I really should have picked up on in hindsight. And what I had with other women before you, wasn’t romantic, it wasn’t even pleasant. I never took them out, or took care of them.’
I smiled, surprising him. I was happy to be a first in something for him. Both my wolf and I felt a possessive urge to preserve this moment, to savour it. I leaned forward kissing him with as much emotion as I could radiate, startling him a little before he reciprocated with fervour. I knew it must have been hard for him to tell me that, to talk about past partners with his current mate. But he had been candid and honest, as he’d always been; a quality I very much admired in him.
We only detached from each by the awkward cough we heard of the waiter bringing our first dish. And once again I felt embarrassed at being caught in a moment of intimacy with my mate.
The food was out of this world! It was better than anything I had ever tasted and certainly better than anything I could cook. We spent most of the dinner stealing glances at each other, k****s…in all the dark moments of my life I used to imagine what it would be like to have my fated mate. I could safely say my imagination was a huge let down compared to reality.
The drive home was incredibly peaceful, even late at night there seemed to be so much light. The moon shining bright against the snowy blankets, everything seemed to practically glow, even the humans would be able to see well on a night such as this. When we passed the pack house I was confused as to where we were going. Where was he taking me now?
He told me to hang on as it was about to get a little bumpy as we went slightly off road, before pulling up to a pond that was incredibly familiar.
“This place…is this?…”
“From that dream we both had, yeah, this is it. My mom and dad’s ashes are spread here, so it’s an important place for me.”noveldrama
He got out and came round to let me out, putting the blanket from the backseat around my lower half and carrying me bridal style down towards the water and along its edge. He put me down and we walked a short distance hand in hand with our fingers interlaced, we wolves could stand the cold for longer than humans before we needed to head for shelter. This was almost identical to my dream, the pond and area around had been in bloom, but the moon over head shone and Ethan’s face as he looked at me was exactly like this. His eyes mesmerised me with their depth of colour and emotion, making me warm and tremble just from the anticipation alone.
As our faces leaned in towards each other, our lips barely a breath away…
‘I remember this part, this where I would always wake up,’ I heard his voice flow through my thoughts.
He was right, in the dream, I never did k**s him, it was always just out of reach…but it wasn’t anymore.
Our lips met and I could practically feel both our wolves howl in joy within our minds. His touch could keep the most virulent cold at bay causing the snowy landscape to blur away in a heated daze.
He leaned his forehead against my own, nuzzling me affectionately.
“…I love you, April,” he whispered out, almost soundlessly.
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