Wolf Bait (Perry and Jonas)

Chapter 80



I wrap myself around the king's body and brace myself as he runs into the darkness of the trees. When I came out here, I didn't stop to think about the darkness. Now that I've gotten what I wanted, the threat is no longer coming from the prince. I feel completely exposed. When we get back to the castle's entrance he begins to turn back into his skin. I release him when his body gets super hot to the point where his transition feels like hot boiling rubber. When he's back in his skin he snatches my wrist and pulls me with him to the elevator. My heart is hammering in my chest. The pings of each passing floor are so loud my cars ache. God, it feels like the elevator is taking its sweet ***s time to get to its destination. I'm so scared I can smell the burning scent of my fear seeping out of mynoveldrama


I scream at the top of my lungs when he suddenly turns around pushing me against the mirrors behind me with his forearm. His eyes are pitch black and stare back at me challengingly. I immediately look down only for him to grab my to bring my gaze back up to his. "You knew I wouldn't like that and you did it anyway," he rumbles lowly and it's a gazillion times more frightening than do that?"

when he yells. "Why would you E

"So he can ambush us at the wedding. I answer honestly


His chest rumbles like the T-Rex in J**ic Park. My entire being screams out in terror. My wolf is nowhere to be heard of, right now. My body is trembling and I am regretting my choices at the moment.

"Why do you want that?" he says leaning in to sniff my neck right over his mark.

"So you can catch him. I couldn't get my hands on another spaceship. So, that was my wedding gift to you," the truth spills out without my permission and it fear it may not be a good enough reason for him. It's not to me. Not anymore.

His eyes stay focused on me as tears stream down my face. The black in his eyes starts to fade and his hold on me loosens.

up at him. My feet hit the floor when he steps back. I pull my hoodie down and cross my arms over my chest unable to look My heart is still pounding in my chest but his hostility is fading and with it, the alarms blaring inside of me needing me to


"You were going to give me a car?" he asks

"I mean Kenzie is most likely going to keep the Buggy and Jake already called dibs on the blue Mustang, but the rest are yours. I included that in my will," "You have a will?"

"Of course. Even before you came along. I named Jacob as the main proprietor and Kenzie as head of the Lycan Tech board should she ever want it. Under Nate's watch actually,"

"I thought the Wraith was the owner,"

"He is and we honor that as his soldiers, but legally he doesn't have a claim on any of it. It was why I signed on. The seven of us were the only owners of the company. In return, we'd work for him as his pack. After Darren died, the lines began to blur. None of us trust him anymore and I own most of the shares. One and seven left their shares to me. Kenz also signed hers to me when she left." "He didn't kill Darren,

"No, he didn't. But Liam didn't know where Alice was. I've never been able to prove it. Violetta would die before she gives him up. He swears he had nothing to do with it. The only person I truly ever trusted was my mate," 98%0 Chapter 80

"You don't trust me? Treasks, I laugh.

"Of course not. I tried to on more than one occasion and it cost me. You don't strike me as someone who cares if they're trusted, my King. You've never asked me to. You've only ever demanded I prove myself to be trustworthy."

He opens his mouth as if to say something but then decides against it and releases me. He steps away from me completely and then turns around to head to his room. I slide down the wall taking in deep breaths to calm the trembling in my limbs. It takes me a moment to stand and start making my way to my room despite how badly my legs are shaking.

Fear and pain have never been something I sought after. Chasing after death is nasty work. Especially when death doesn't seem to be interested. No matter how much I've tried to car it. No matter how despicable I am. It just laughs at me. I sit on the edge of my bed as tears slide down my face. The Prince's truth hurt more than I care to admit. I didn't want to know it. I didn't care to but I do now and it feels almost cathartic. The former king had faults. He isn't everything his family has made him out to be. Not that I thought he might have been perfect. No one ever is. Sympathizing has always been my weakness.

I glance back at my urn and crawl over to it. The King's drawing is still there. Darren's gentle eyes stare back at me.

"I don't want to be here anymore," I whisper to it. "I feel like I'm losing my mind. Nothing feels good. Every step forward is starting to feel like a punishment. All this information is just a burden now. It doesn't feel like we're getting any closer does it. Crispy!" I smooth my fingers over the chalk outlines to erase the drawing I prop the urn on the top of my knees and lean into it feeling its cold smooth surface on my face. It's been a while since I've wanted to drink, but I know it's just a side effect of smoking today. For the first time in a while, I sleep alone in my bed.

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