Loving Quinn Novel by North Rose

Chapter 88

Bug me, it will be my best experience. My Best experience with pregnancy from conception to birth.

Matshing Annie sun go her pregnancy progresses. Stroking her belly I can magdene ressell pressing my car to her belty to batens to muttaaby or just pressing any hand there to feed i kick. I can’t wait for the first time we get to hear the baby’s heartbeat.

Thinking about all of that fills me with nervous energy.

With Grace, it just came naturally and was a bit easer. She is almost a teenager. What will I be like with a baby to hold and comfort? Feedings, diaper changes and baths. There is so much to learn.

I don’t want to fail.

I never want to let my children or Annie down in any way.

I don’t want to be my father.

“Annora Winters,” the nurse calls out as she steps into the waiting room.

Annie leans over to kiss me then squeezes my hand as she stands up. “I will be back soon.”

“I will be here.”

I watch her walk away and as she does my nervousness returns. This is something we both want so why am I so nervous? Why am I doubting myself?

“First-time father?” A man says next to me.

I glance over at him. He is holding a toddler and there is a baby carrier on the seat next to him. The toddler is asleep in his arms and the baby is making gurgling noises as it plays with a toy.

There is a tired look on the man’s face.

“No,” I hesitate briefly, “but yes, I tell him.

A look of confusion crosses his face then he chuckles. “Is it yes to being a first-time father, or


I have never been comfortable with small talk but there is something about this man that makes

me feel comfortable. What harm could it do to open up to a total stranger that I will never see again? With a laugh, I lean back in my seat and then look at him.

“We have a daughter already. I wasn’t present for the first part of her life due to my career




“Ah, that is a tough one. Retired now?” He asks.


“You look very nervous. How old is your daughter?

“Almost twelve. I missed a lot.” I look down at my lap as I feel like he may judge me for that

So, thear will be many fiests for you. The early years are. He pauses and looks down at the sleeping toddler in his arm. “They are a blessing and a curse. This little angel here is approaching the terrible twos and she is not disappointing us in our expectations at all.”

3 laugh softly because she looks so innocent and peaceful right now.

“You will as well if you and your will are a strongue, it can wem like a breeze”

For tortur erasan that makes me feel a little better am still nervous about a new baby, but Annie

and §’une a great team. We can do it. Besides, with Grace as a big sister, any new child we have will

the ongeval humbe

*The precháme. I was a derbong wind wiži mar first too. He in a school right now. We were new to all of it. We minder mistakers an all new jaienta will, but now we have most of it down pat. The latke

sha was mutulo every now and the

I chudár. I want shut. Childros running arosand that huge house we are going to build. Fighty omeg


**** to make those mistakes and have kane

que me thesugh low

1 look at the door as 21 spena. Atver inturna to tur waiting room and walks over to me, fier facu

from and up, give the man and to say goodbye,

gives nothing away


low her out of the offer the wigs her hand into it as we walk to the car

Dve seenta tense and that were me 1 decide to not ask questions until se us in the car. If it ta

had now, I wild rather


when shees it m

Dice we both rated in the locks at in i can all by the shine of tears in here anyes that the news is not what we wanted. I lean across the armrest and wrap my arma around her.

“In. Moreno did a physical exes and said I am probably not pregnant. However, she wanted te


para mi as she snuggles into it. “Sur le mar den klund samples.

that i atti healthis, and I should feeling pregnant.”

1 poll out of the parking lot and head to our meeting with Andrea. We are meeting her at the site of our new home to discuss what we want to do with the existing house, How much of it do we want to try to save to build from or demolish it all and build from scratch?

Originally, Andrea and Daniel envisioned building from scratch. After seeing the property for the first time Daniel thought they could save the existing structure or use some of the materials in the building of our home.

“Let’s get this next meeting over with then we can go home.”

Annic pulls away from me and then nods her head. The light that was in her eyes when we arrived at her doctor’s office is gone. The thought of being pregnant was exciting for us both. Now she may not be at all.

For now. We will keep trying. We will have another baby in the future.


The drive to our future home is long so I reach over to hold her hand as I drive. I run my over her soft skin in what I hope is a reassuring way. I can feel her sadness and it makes me want to pull over to hold her.

An hour later I pull onto the long winding lane that will take us to the front gate of our house. Instead of continuing up the lane, I pull to the side and then put the car into park. Annie gives me a confused look as I unbuckle my seatbelt then hers.

She squeaks as I pull her onto my lap and wrap my arms around her. It is this action that causes her to let out a shuddering breath and then she starts to cry. I hold her while she ***s for the baby we both wanted.

“I’m sorry… that I got … your hopes up.” She says through her tears.

“Annie, we have plenty of time to have a baby. There is no rush.”

“You are disappointed. I can… tell.”

I rub one hand up and down her back as I stroke her cheek.

“Yes, but not really. I want another baby with you but more than anything I just want you. If we have more children, we have more children. If not, we will still be a family. You, me, and Grace.”

“I want a little boy.” She sits up to look at me. “A miniature version of you.”

“I want another little girl.”

She smiles brightly as she moves to straddle my lap. “Oh really? You want to be surrounded by

girls huh?”

“We made the happiest little girl. I think giving her a sister would be great.

“I think you just want little girls so you won’t have to compete with a miniature version of you in my affections.”

That is a scary thought. However, she isn’t that far off. I am learning the saying ‘daddy’s girl and

mamma’s boy’ has some merits in truth. I was a mamma’s boy after all.

Annie, what are you doing?” I ask as she wiggles in my lap.

Instead of answering me, she grinds her hips over me as she stares into my eyes. That action reminds me that she is wearing a skirt today. I glance away to look in the review mirror. There is

no traffic on the road behind us.noveldrama

“Hold on to that thought for a minute. Let me pull up to the gate then you can have your way

with me.”

She leans forward and then whispers in my car. “I want you inside me right now. **k me fast.

Right here. Right now.”

Holy f**ing **it that made my **k hard.


“We have twelve years of babymaking to catch up on. Get moving soldier,” she growls in my ear.

She fuses her mouth to mine before I can protest. I instantly forget why I was going to protest in the first place as her hands make quick work of my zipper while her tongue dances with mine. I know where this is coming from, and I am not going to stop her.

There is a wild, almost desperate air to her movements. I know what this is and I should stop it. I won’t but I should. We need this right here and right now.

Once she has my c**k free from my pants, she pulls her panties to the side and then sinks down on my shaft. I suck in a deep breath as she takes control. She takes me hard and fast like a woman

on a mission.

I am helpless to her desire,

But by golly, I absolutely love it. The little noises she makes each time she slams m** deep. inside her are driving me insane. The wild look in her eyes as she stares at me while bouncing on my shaft makes me want to give her everything she wants.


After leaving the police station we decided to stop and sit in a nearby park to just relax for a bit before heading to Annora’s appointment. I was hoping that what Dionne said to her wouldn’t rattle her. I was wrong

It did

Well, rattled is not quite correct. Annie is irritated and mad as hell. I haven’t seen her this mad since the day she told me about Grace, and 1 jump to conclusions. I was shocked when she slapped

It was the first time a woman has slapped me across the face, but it was the first time Annie


dvd. I can talk at, but I don’t băir it. Hopefully, I newer pi** her off like that again


I decide to tell her what Denne said to me before I left the police station. We agreed not to talk about her amyments unless we had a There is no need to tell her

No. of

Cessor she was calm, we

add to My Cameral fog her appointment atted to be on the way then that I wow

We both want this baby so much. She already told me that it could

have been sites But consed her cycle to be late

How can the me te prognand? She has made knee almost every night since she had hes (UD removed. He wametimes we make love two of these times a day. Quick morning sex in the blature, sostulky cumping wherever we can hide while Grace is doing her homework, then long show lovemaking at night

We can’t seem to keep our hands off each other.

Of course, said having a baby with me was worth the effort. She said it with a cheeky grins while breathing heavily after we had in the hotuba few weeks ago. I agree with her

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