Chapter 89
The way she throws her head back as her body writhes as she o**ms takes my breath away. Soon I follow her into that or**ic bliss as her juicy p***y milks my c**k. We are both breathing heavily as she flops forward onto my chest.
“I… really… love it when you… let me have full control… like that.” She says while gasping for breath.noveldrama
“Goodness, Annie.”
She giggles like a teenager then lifts herself off my lap and moves back to her seat. I start the car and then drive the rest of the way up the lane. Once I reach the gate, I am relieved to see that Andrea isn’t waiting for us.
Annie reaches into her purse and hands me a small travel package of wet wipes.
“Smooth.” I take them and get out of the car. After cleaning up, I stuff myself back into my pants.
“You should probably keep some of those in the glove box.”
I grin as I walk over to her side of the car. Thoughts of having her spread out on the hood of my car fill my head. She has a satisfied smile on her face as I press her against the side of the car. I kiss her softly.
“We may need a car with more front seat space if we keep having sex in the car.”
“Tight spaces are better for car sex. You remember that s**y car we borrowed from Aaron that
“Wild woman.”
We are interrupted by the sound of a car approaching. Andrea’s red Mustang pulls up behind my car a few moments later. There goes any hope of a second round of hot car sex before our meeting.
Annora laughed like she had read my thoughts.
“You started it,” I whisper in her ear.
“I finished it too.”
“How is my favorite couple?” Andrea asks as she gets out of her car.
I chuckle softly then step away from Annie so we can greet Andrea. The next two hours are spent walking around the burnt shell of the old house. Andrea takes pictures of everything she thinks
can be salvaged
Annora and the idea of using parts of the original hee to build our dream home. Two really imposing stained glass windows have the fire that decimated the house. The design
in them looks gensomalliond and it would be shut to destroy them.
Ander and that they were on Duel’s of the to save
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Let’s go get Gear and shop for go that way for, nors says an she gets into the car
“Can you orgs wear by the bell on the way home of du wir steed to get it out of our systemo berdone: 1 fry to die?
me laugh and shales y Bd. “We can play more later. Right now, I am hungry and want to
am at your service anytime and anywhere you want me, my love.”
Her laughtere je muita
stuced the saddress away on mowe Tonight, I wils had twee when it returns. shunend
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Chapter Comments
Loving Quinn
After talking to Dr. Moreno, I was disappointed about what she had to say. The physical exam told her what I had already suspected. I am not pregnant.
When my period was late, which it never is, I was overjoyed by the possibility of being pregnant. Then the logical part of my brain kicked in to tell me that it could just be stress. I have been. under a lot of stress for the last few months.
The stress that Quinn’s relationship with Dionne Masters has brought into my life. I cover it well but everything we have dealt with involving that crazy **h has taken its toll on me. My life before hurricane Quinn re-entered it was so much calmer than it is now. I don’t want to go back to the dull and boring life I had but I need the hectic drama to stop.
I need it to just stop.
-We need the peace and quiet to just be a couple.
To just be a family.
Dionne has been an ominous shadow lurking just outside my vision. Just when I think the shadow is disappearing, it lashes out with a toxic tendril of jealousy and hate. It has caused hate spread to me. To fester and grow until it causes me to hate her more than I have hated anyone in my life.
Kidnapping my daughter made that hate grow until I had murderous thoughts and desires toward another human being for the first time in my
I feel ashamed of that.
Today while I sat in that interrogation room listening to Dionne drone on about nothing of significance, I had an epiphany. She got exactly what she wanted and I let her do it. She got under my skin in more ways than I knew.
I figured it out as I left the room. That is why she wanted to see me instead of Quinn. She wanted to see my reaction when she told me that there would always be a place for her in his heart. That
she meant something to him.
He claims she didn’t but he wanted their relationship to mean more to him than it did.
That I believe in more than anything. I felt the same way about Kyle. I wanted it to be more than it was. He ruined it but it never had a real chance to be anything more. My heart was never free.
As for the jab she made about there being a ***k already in our relationship….
That p**d me off more than I cared to admit. It also scared me b right. There is a c***k and she put it there.
se I think maybe she was
By taking my daughter.
That c**k can be mended with time. I am still reeling from the kidnapping and the death of Quinn’s father. I think I used the funeral planning to distract myself from the rage I was feeling.
Yes, Grace is home safe, but so many things could have gone wrong that day. When Quinn left the penthouse to get her back, I was relieved. I knew he would get her back safely, but I was still angry that she was taken in the first place.
His relationship with Dionne was why my child was abducted from her school. A place where she should have been safe. Yet no one was even aware that she was missing.
I sent emails to the school’s administration about it during the week while helping plan a funeral.
It was a scathing tirade and made me feel a little better after I hit send. No one has reached o me so far but they will before I am done with them.
Quinn’s voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I look up at him from where I am sitting on a lounger out on the balcony off of our bedroom. I have been up here since we got home after picking Grace
up from my parents.
I needed alone time after today’s events. I was a little manic after we left Dr. Moreno’s office. It boiled over when Quinn pulled over on the side of the road. The sex was wild and frantic, I needed to feel him in a primal way.
Finding out I am not pregnant flipped a switch in my brain that I hadn’t expected. The dream of another baby has been in the back of my mind for years now. With Quinn back in my life that dream can finally happen..
With him.
I was hoping that missing my period for the first time in years would be the start of that future
with the love of my life.
“Where is Grace?” I ask him.
“She is doing her homework in the living room. There is a documentary she has to watch, so I set
her up in the living room with some popcorn.’
I nod and gaze back at the skyline.
Quinn’s shadow falls over me as he stops next to the lounger. He motions m sit up so I can move forward a bit. He slides in behind me and pulls me back against him. I let out a sigh as his arms wrap around my waist.
“What is on your mind?” He asks. “Other than the baby stuff.”
“Touchy subject?”
“No, but I know something else is bothering you,” he says as he grabs one of my hands and interlocks our fingers.
I sigh and lean my head against his chest.
“We agreed not to talk about her anymore.”
His chest rises and falls with his sigh. “We did but if that is what is bothering you then we need to talk about it so it stops being that weight on us. We need to stop giving her the power to hurt us.”
I nod my head then remove his hands from my waist so I can stand up. Talking about Dionne Masters makes me angry. I want to be standing for this conversation.
“What she said today was just to get under your skin.”
“It worked but not just today. She has been like an infected thorn in my side since she showed up. here that first morning I stayed here with you. I saw what she did to you in the doorway. Her hand was down your pants. That pi**ed me off later when you told me who she was to you in the past.”
I turn around to face him. His face shows surprise but his eyes are filled with anger. Good, I want him as angry as I am. As angry as I have felt for a while now.
“We had just f**ed on the counter and then she had her hand down your pants. Do you know
how that made me feel?”
“Disgusted? That is how I felt,” he tells me as he shakes his head.
“I felt that after you told me who she was and what she did to you. Before that I felt ashamed. I had no idea who she was to you and I felt like the other woman. The mistress.”
“Oh, Annie. Why didn’t you tell me this before? How much have you held back? How much damage have I done to you by bringing Dionne into your life?”
Quinn rakes a hand through his hair then stands up from the lounger and walks towards me.
There is hurt in his eyes but his jaw is clenched in anger. Both of those emotions I understand but I refuse to do anything about the first one right now.
“I have been understanding from the beginning because I kno
erything you have told me is the truth. You have never been able to lie to me. It is in your eyes how much you love me. I believe it. That doesn’t mean that I haven’t been hurt and angry too.”
“Then why didn’t you say anything? Why did you keep it hidden until now?”
“That **h kidnapping my daughter was the tipping point that cracked our relationship. It was already dented and bruised but that was it. Today I figured it out after talking to Dionne,”
“I see. Your daughter.” Quinn stops walking towards me. All the emotions in his eyes fade away as he stares at me with a blank expression.
“You know what I mean, Quinn.” I take a
step towards him but he holds up his hand to stop my
“I get that you are angry about everything that has happened because of Dionne. I even understand the stress we both feel because of it. However, since we made things official between us, I have been upfront and honest about everything. It seems that you have not given me the same curtesy.”D
That isn’t fair but it is the truth.
“I have been honest with you about my feelings for you and what I want for our future.”
“Yet, you kept all the anger inside instead of talking it out and letting it go. Then, when it comes down to it, Grace is still just your daughter. She will never be our daughter.”
It is an old habit 1 fall back on when I am angry.
“Quinn, that isn’t true.”
“Every time you are mad at me or angry at a situation that involves Grace, she is just your daughter. Old habit, I get it. I am tired of being the afterthought parent to you. She is OUR daughter, Annie. It may be an old habit to you, but every time you say your daughter instead of our daughter to me, it feels like you are slapping me in the face with all those missing years.”
“I don’t even mean it like that.”
“There isn’t anything I can do about the past and you are entitled to your anger about Dionne’s
part in all our stress levels. Process it all how you tited to and know she is heading to prison. I would appreciate full honesty from here on out.”
He turns away from me and walks towards the bedroom. All my anger fades
away, I stay where I am because I don’t want to fight. None of this was his fault.
Not really.
It was all Dionne.
I let her get to me even though I knew better.
watch Quinn walk
The crazy b**h is in jail and my family is safe. So, I will let it all go. She has no power over me
I take a deep breath then walk into the bedroom to talk to Quinn. He isn’t in the bedroom or bathroom so I figure he is downstairs with Grace. To give us both more time to cool down, I grab a change of clothes and then take a shower.
When I walk into the living room, I see Grace sitting on a couch with her notebook on her lap. I glance towards the kitchen but the lights are off. I turn from the living room and head towards Quinn’s office.
I knock on the door then open it after a few moments of no response. He isn’t there either. Did he leave the penthouse to give me space? It is a huge multi-level penthouse. There is plenty
of space.
Where would he go?
The gym.
Of course.
I go to the gym only to find it empty.
“Grace, have you seen your father?” I ask her as I walk back into the living room.
“He came down a few minutes ago, grabbed his keys, then left. Is he planning to get dinner?” Grace says as she turns to look at me..
“No, I think he had something to do at the office. I am sure he will return soon.”
She nods her head then turns back to the TV. I go back upstairs to grab my phone so I can call
him. When I do, I hear his phone ringing in the closet. I found his phone in the pocket of the suit jacket he wore today.
Three hours later I am curled up in bed with a book and a glass of wine. After I found Quinn’s phone, I headed downstairs to make dinner. We watched a movie while eating pizza on the living room floor. Once Grace went to bed, I cleaned up and then decided to try to relax with a book.
apter then laid it
The book has been laying open on my lap for the last thirty minutes. I read. down as I zoned out. My mind is a mess. This is the first time Quinn walked away from me in anger. I am not sure how to handle things when he comes home.
I know I have been all over the place emotionally today. If I were pregnant, I would blame
hormones. Sadly, I have no one to blame but myself.
I should have been open and honest with him about all the anger I have kept inside me. Instead of picking a fight I should have just gone down to the gym to work out my frustrations on a punching bag. Now I am alone in our big **bed and have no idea where my fiancé is.
A noise in the bedroom jolts me awake. I must have fallen asleep while waiting for Quinn to return. I open my eyes and Quinn is leaning against the dresser. His back is to me and his hands are spread out across the flat surface. His head is down so I can’t see it in the mirror reflection.
He doesn’t answer me. Instead, he opens a drawer then grabs a pair of sleep pants and walks to the bathroom. The door closes behind him which lets me know he is still mad because he rarely
closes the door when he changes or showers.
I put my book on the bedside table and then put my back against the headboard. He smells like alcohol, and that p**es me off. Where did he end up?
When he comes out of the bathroom, he is towel drying his hair. He walks straight to the closet to
toss his towel in the hamper. Never does he look at me.
“Where did you go, Quinn?”
“Are you asking because you think I went out, got drunk, then cheated on you?”
“Actually, no. You left your phone so I had no idea where you were.”
“Oh, you had ideas, I am sure.”
“I am sorry for lashing out earlier. I have been a tad overwhelmed and it just exploded today.”
He spins around to look at me. “You are not the only one dealing with this b**hit. Bottling it up solves nothing. If we can’t talk to each other about ***it like this, then what do we do? Keep our problems bottled up until we bicker constantly?”
“We are stronger than that and I let the events of today get to me more than I thought. I am
“If that was the only problem, I wouldn’t be as mad as I am.”
“Oh, Quinn. It is reflexive to call her my daughter. I don’t mean to shut you out or slap you in the face with those missing years. Years you missed because of me.”
Without saying another word, he leaves the bedroom and closes the door behind him. Our first major fight went horribly wrong. I hurt him unintentionally and I have no way to fix it.
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